Mrs. Davies' Guest Speaking
Parenting a Special Needs Child
Types of Disabilities
What word is NEVER OK to use when referring to someone with a disability... or just in general.
The R-word
This type of special needs conditions occurs later in life, perhaps because of an accident or illness.
What is an acquired condition?
Typically a parent serves as this person for a child, the one who speaks up to protect and defend the child's welfare and rights.
What is an advocate?
When children have trouble controlling their behavior or paying attention.
What is ADHD?
Any physical, mental, or emotiona lcondition that limits one or more major life activities to a large extent.
What is a disability?
Saying, "That is Jake, who has autism", instead of "That is the kid who has autism, named Jake" an example of?
What is putting the person before the disability?
A type of autism where a person has average to above-average language, thinking and coping skills but still lacks strong social skills.
What is Asperger's Syndrome?
TRUE or FALSE: Parents often suspect that their child is not developing typically.
What is true?
A type of learning disorder where one has difficulties with recognizing words and decoding letters into sounds. Tom Cruise has this.
What is dyslexia?
When a child shows significantly below-average intelligence and skils in self-care and communication. Also known as "mental retardation".
What is a cognitive impairment?
The snack cart at Centennial is an example of this.
What is inclusion?
A physical disability where one has loss of function in any of the five senses (especially sight and vision).
What is a sensory impairment?
Fear, anger, denial or even anxiety, guilt and worry
What are some of the feelings parents have when their child is diagnosed?
A cognitive impairment where one can often tell that a person has this disability by their facial features.
What is down syndrome?
The educational practice of mixing children with and without special needs in the same classroom.
What is inclusion?
Students might have melt downs when this happens, because it is unexpected and throws of their schedule/routine that they are used to.
What does a fire drill/alarm do to the special needs students at Centennial?
Unexplained slow development in a child below age three. Different than an impairment because a child may possibly catch up with peers in a few years.
What is delayed development?
If a person has a special needs child, in additon to other children, they need to make sure to give all their children attention, in order to create this.
What is balance?
A disorder where a child does not communicate well, often does not like to be touched and typically shows repeating patterns or behaviors.
What is autism?
A group of disorders that involve delays in the development of social skills and communication skills.
What are Pervasive Developmental Disorders?
Mrs. Davies said that sometimes, when a parent isn't super-involved, she has to become this type of person for them, to speak on their behalf and keep their best interests in mind.
What is an advocate?
Assures free and appropriate public education for children with diagnosed disabilities.
What is IDEA--Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
In the movie "The Other Sister", when Karla's mom doesn't want her to move out or when she sets Karla's apartment up with multiple fire extinguishers, lists to remember and emergency phones, she is doing this.
What is coddling or overprotecting?
A physical disability that may affect any or all parts of a person's skeletal system. An example of this could be "spina bifida" or "cerebral palsy".
What is an orthopedic impairment?
This type of condition is present at birth, but not inherited from parents.
What is congenital?