Digital literary learning communities
What is the third assignment for this unit?
The Red Tree
What are the required texts for this unit?
The National Centre for Australian Children's Literature
What does NCACL stand for?
What is children's literature? The construction of childhood in children's literature.
What is the title of the first weekly topic for this unit?
Any form of literature for a target audience of 0 - 18 years of age.
What is 'children's literature'?
The second assignment for this unit
What is 'storytelling and reading aloud'?
The UC library 'Reading List' (accessed through Canvas)
An Australian educational website, created for children to view stories by local authors and illustrators.
What is StoryBox Library?
The role of literature in literacy learning. Selecting literary texts for your students.
What is the topic for Week Ten?
A category of literature
What is genre?
Blog entries
What has to be completed before midnight each Sunday in the first two weeks of semester?
In each week's Module on Canvas
Where can you find each week's lecture, tutorial slides and required academic reading?
PETAA (Primary English Teachers Association Australia)
What is the name of the national professional association of English and literacy primary school educators?
In-person or virtual tour of NCACL
What are we doing in Week 9 during the tutorial?
Language, literature and literacy
What are the three strands of English in the Australian Curriculum v.9?
Children's books that are for, about or by Australian First Nations peoples
What sort of books do you need to find for Assessment 4: Application of knowledge?
The UC Library and NCACL
Where can I find hard copies of Bindi, RapperBee and The Red Tree?
ALEA (Australian Literacy Educators' Association)
What national professional association is dedicated to furthering literacy education throughout Australia by providing professional development and resources for teachers?
Poetry, drama and performance
What is the topic for Week Four?
Linguistic, visual, audio, spatial and gestural
What are the 5 semiotic modes of literacy?
Group discussion about weeks 4, 5, 6 and 7 prompts
What do you need to before writing your reflection for Assessment 3: Digital literary learning communities?
The Exclusive White World of Preservice Teachers' Book Selection for the Classroom
What is the required reading for Week 2, Module 2?
A publisher dedicated to publishing books for, about and by First Nations peoples of Australia
Who are Magabala Books?
Digital literary learning community discussions 1-4
What activity do you need to complete with a group during weeks 4, 5, 6 and 7?
The ability to see yourself in children's literature, or to gain insight into the experience of others.
What is meant by 'mirrors, windows and sliding doors'?