Final Presentation Rubric
Concepts/ Definitions from Class
Is this specific enough?
Weird Karaoke
What context did we study this music?

How long does your presentation have to be? How much over or under time can you be without getting a penalty?

10 minutes- you can be 1 minute over or under without penalty. 


Name four of the terms within the acronym Triple T-DRIP.

Tempo, Timbre, Texture, Dynamic, Rhythm, Instrumentation, Pitch.


Children’s music is good because kids love music.

No- this is an all or nothing statement AND a quality judgement with no way to prove it.


Rural strips of land for driving upon, Bring me to a place from whence I came, to the location I should exist in. Don Knotts hometown, mother of mountains, Bring me to a place from whence I came, rural strips of land for driving upon.  

John Denver, "Country Roads."

"Country Roads, take me home, to the place,  belong! West Virginia, mountain mama, take me home, country roads."


Baby Metal and Cudemani girls' gamelan

Professional child/adolescent musical groups


What do you need to do with your PowerPoint BEFORE the final presentation period?

Submit it to me via Canvas and put it on either a flashdrive or email it to me.


What does 'embodiment' mean?

In the body- we talked about this in regards to embodying sound, and embodying social memory


Music helps kids by engaging them and helping them make friends.

No- what music or musical context? How’s it going to help them make friends? Music doesn’t do this work on it’s own- I need more deets.


Every single solitary woman, every single solitary woman, every single solitary woman, every single solitary woman (x2)

Beyoncé "Single Ladies." "All the single ladies! All the single ladies" (x4).


Steven Universe's song for Ruby and Sapphire's merging; Ryan Cassata's "Daughter"

Queer representation in children's musical media


How long should you play your musical example during your presentation? And how should you present it?

30 seconds- 1 minute (penalty will apply if you're out of this range). You should present it in a comment sandwich (comment telling us what this clip's importance is for the argument, example, comment recapping what we heard/saw that was applicable to the rest of the talk).


What's social capital?

Prestige, carries a lot of value in a particular society. The potential ability to obtain resources, favors, or information from one's personal connections. 


Music and Movement classes for babies and toddlers help kids socialize by providing a semi-structured musicking environment in which they can participate however they please, allowing for individual expression, while also acknowledging them as part of a larger group.

Yes! You tell me what musical phenomenon we are specifically talking about, what it specifically does for who and how.


Sing (or speak) the lyrics of a song that has the word "love" in it.



Kidzbop vs. Lil Nas X "Montero"

Childhood innocence impacting the music adults make for children's consumption.


How did I suggest you structure your talk last week? Hint: There were six "slides" I suggested an ordering for.

Title slide where you into argument, context slide(s), evidence/ lit review slide for argument, musical example slide, takeaways/ conclusions slide, references slide (bibliography/ works cited).


What's a soundscape?

A soundscape is a collection of sounds, like a painting is a collection of visual attractions; basically the aural equivalent of a landscape- the sounds that characterize and define a place.


Music saves children from domestic abuse.

No- what music? What children? What does “saving” mean in this context, if it can’t stop domestic abuse (which it cannot)? Are you going to analyze this from every type of music, every type of domestic abuse, every age range of child? Of course not- so it needs to be more specific. 


Close, distant, any place in which you are located, I am convinced that the nucleus of the cardiovascular system will continue onward.

Céline Dion "My Heart Will Go On:" Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on~


Carlos Oliva's "Don't Rock the Boat/ Muévete Medley" 

Musicking of former child migrants (for mediating identity)


What 6 criteria are you being graded on?

1) Proper citations

2) PPT submission BEFORE final exam period

3) Clear and well-defined argument

4) Focused and well-argued presentation

5) Stays within time limit

6) A specific musical example.


What's a polyrhythm?

Multiple distinct rhythms being performed at once


Individualized playlists can reduce symptoms of PTSD, such as anxiety and depression, in adolescent domestic violence victims.

Yes! It tells me what, who, and how specifically.


Name (or sing) a pop song that is built on very explicit harmonic, melodic, and/ or lyrical references to an earlier song in popular or culture.

Various; could be Ariana Grande's "Seven Rings," Doja Cat's "Vegas," David Guetta & Bebe Rexha's "I'm good [Blue]," etc.


Girl's jumprope and hand-clapping games

Embodied social memory through children's musical games
