following the wrong course of action because their beliefs or ideas about something are incorrect. [informal]
Answer: Penguin
add insult to injury
to do or say something that makes a bad situation even worse for someone
Wow, your paintings are lovely, you are so________
Answer: Loo / Jacks
What is "Lose your temper".
This idioms means to become very angry.
Answer: Colors
a drop in bucket
a very small amount compared to the amount needed
The "Flat Earth Theory" is an __________ opinion.
Answer: Zimmerman
Complete this Taylor Swift quote: Take it off my desk, Take it off my ----.
Answer: The unicorn
What is, "Keep a Straight Face".
This idioms means, to try not to smile or laugh.
Mum told my little brother to go to bed but he was acting ___________
Answer: George Washington
in over my head
to become or be deeply involved in a situation which is too difficult for you to deal with.
Answer: Hippos
hit the sack
go to bed
I could not talk to her, she was being _________
Answer: An embarrassment
In the famous Everybody Loves An Outlaw's song:
I see red, what do they mean?
This idioms means to get really angry.
Answer: Antarctica
"Bite the bullet"
to do something unpleasant or painful because it is necessary even though you would like to avoid it.
I am going to be ________ and go to bed early.
Answer: China