What Was China´s First Dynasty. Do we Know When The Dynasty Started?
China´s First Dynasty Was The Shang Dynasty, and there Is No Recorded Start.
What Region Is China In?
South East Asia.
What Is The Least Common animal thats raised in china?
The cow.
What type of money was founded in china?
Paper Money.
what is chinas government like? Where is the headquarters?
Verry strict, with four states: The unitary state. The comunist state. The socialist state. And the one-party state. Zhongnanhai, it is located adjacent to the Forbidden Palace in Beijing.
What Were The Four Golden Ages Of China?
Gold, Silver, Bronze, And Iron.
What Was The First Empire of the chinese, That Was Ruled By a King/Queen?
The Qin Dynasty.
What effects does society have on chinas geography?
The large cities, such as Bejing, produce large amounts of pollution, witch makes farming and drinking water harder to find.
What is the festival of moons for?
the celebration of mid atum, and starting to go into winter.
who is The founder of the Republic of China?
Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
What Is The Shang Dynasty´s Other Name? Why?
The Bronze Age, Because of the use of Bronze.
Who Was The ruler During The Qin Dynasty?
Qin Shi Huang.
what is chinas most common animal, for farming? what are some examples of its by-product?
the Chicken, because of its ability to endure the climate, and how much product it can produce. eggs, and chicken. used for omlets, and chiken is apart of there diet.
What Is the name of writing that was Founded in China?
How was China discovered? When?
Qin Shihuang established China's first centralized autocracy, the Qin Dynasty, thereby ushering Chinese history into feudalism. 221 B.C.
What Did The Chinese Use to Talk To The Gods? What Would they ask? How id they get answers? Describe the process.
They Used Bones, And They would write on the front of the bone, then take a heated rod, put it on the back side of the bone, and this would cause cracks, depending on how the bone cracked, would be the answers to their question(s). they would usualy ask for clear weather or if a woman was pregnat, for the baby to be born male.
How Is Chinas Geography Used For Farming?
China uses its natural Steppes, for rice terraces, and moutans and rivers for vegtables, and water crops.
what effects does the geography of china have on society?
There is not alot of space to farm, and lots of mountains, so it is chelenging to have large villadges.
What Is Chinas Most Common Crop? why?
Rice, because of its ability to grow in rough conditions, and because of its little space that it takes to grow.
A Chinese emperor was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water, when some leaves from the tree blew into the water. Shen Nung, a renowned herbalist, decided to try the infusion that his servant had accidentally created. Shen Nung
What is the official name of the chinese language? Witch way is it read?
¨Mandarin¨, Right To Left, Bottom To Top.
How Much Of Chinas Land Can Be Used For Farming?
what is the capitol of china?
What Is chinas population?
What is the national sport of china?