Pu Yi
Last Qing Emperor; abdicated in 1912
The year thought by many to mark the start of the CCP
(First) United Front
An agreement between the CCP and GMD to work together to bring political stability to China and defeat the warlords.
Group of Moscow-backed CCP leaders who came to power after 1930.
28 Bolsheviks
The enemy advances, we retreat;
The enemy camps, we harass;
The enemy tires, we attack;
The enemy retreats, we pursue.
Guerilla Tactics
A word used to describe the way women were discriminated against and oppressed by male-dominated views and customs.
The number of peasants in the Chinese population; a key factor for those who argued for the revolution had to come from the countryside not the city
Jiang Jieshi
Mountain range in remote Jiangxi- Hunan, where Mao Zedong and Zhu De established a Communist base after the failure of the Autumn Harvest Uprising of 1927.
Three changes in CCP Soviets that appealed to women.
No footbinding, no forced marriages, access to divorce.
Three Principles of the People
The code name of the first Comintern agent in China who held organise the First CCP Congress
Blue Shirts
GMD paramilitary group
Unsuccessful campaign led by Mao in Hunan to capture Changsha in 1927
Autumn Harvest Uprising
Mao's metaphor for how the Red Army would relate to the peasants.
‘The peasants are the sea; we are the fish. The sea is our habitat’.
Yuan Shikai
General who became First President of China
The concept whereby a build-up of opposing forces—social, economic and political—and their resolution through revolution, explains how society develops from one stage to another.
Dialectical Materialism
Green Gang
Organised criminal gang in Shanghai who helped the GMD to organise the Shanghai Massacre
The Three Main Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention
Code for the conduct of the Red Army which soldiers had to memorise.
People were encouraged to practice the virtues of: social decency, honesty, right conduct and self-respect
New Life Movement
‘a magazine that jabbed the rapier [sword] of modern Western ideas through the ribs of China’s rigid traditions'.
New Youth published by Chen Duxiu
Chen Duxiu
‘Can fascism save China? We answer: yes. Fascism isnow what China most needs'
Jiang Jieshi in 1935
Bandit extermination campaigns
Series of five GMD military campaigns from 1931–1934 against Communist strongholds in rural areas.
Soong Meiling
Jiang Jieshi's beautiful, well-connected, American-educated second wife.