Pu Yi
Last Qing Emperor; abdicated in 1912
(First) United Front
What was the name for the alliance between the Communists and the Nationalists in the mid 1920s?
Political pamphlet written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848.
'The Communist Manifesto'
In 1921 at Shanghai.
Where and in what year was the CCP founded?
Battle of Luding Bridge
Which battle along the Long March is commemorated for its heroism but historians suggest has been exaggerated?
Edward Snow
What was the name of the American journalist who visited Yan'an?
What was the Japanese name for the puppet state they established after 1931 in North China?
The enemy advances, we retreat;
The enemy camps, we harass;
The enemy tires, we attack;
The enemy retreats, we pursue.
Guerilla Tactics
After Japan's defeat in 1945, this island became the last stronghold of Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists (GMD) after they fled the mainland in 1949.
A word used to describe the way women were discriminated against and oppressed by male-dominated views and customs.
He styled himself as the heir of Sun's Nationalist revolution and sometimes as generalissimo
What did Chiang Kai-shek call himself?
The number of peasants in the Chinese population; a key factor for those who argued for the revolution had to come from the countryside not the city
Marx and Lenin
Which two European thinkers significantly influenced the ideology of the CCP?
Around 100 000 people: 80k soldiers and 20k staff
How many people fled the Jiangxi Soviet?
What province is Yan'an in?
The establishment of the Second United Front.
What was the result of the Xian incident?
Three changes in CCP Soviets that appealed to women.
No footbinding, no forced marriages, access to divorce.
Chained together
This was done to GMD soldiers to avoid them going AWOL.
Three Principles of the People
Sun Yixian's inspirational ideas that became the foundation of later Chinese political programs: socialism, democracy, & nationalism.
It ended the warlord's infighting and re-establised a unified and internationally recognised government
What was the impact of the Northern Expedition?
The code name of the first Comintern agent in China who held organise the First CCP Congress
Jinggangshan then Jiangxi
After the failed Autumn Harvest uprising, where did Mao seek to build a communist base?
Where did a conference take place, which many historians argue was key to Mao's rise to power?
From 1 percent in 1936 to 50 percent by 1943.
What was the change in literacy rates at Yan'an?
Marco Polo Bridge in Beiping.
Where did war break out in 1937?
Mao's metaphor for how the Red Army would relate to the peasants.
‘The peasants are the sea; we are the fish. The sea is our habitat’.
China Aid Program
his major political and military support from the United States to the Nationalists failed to prevent their defeat by the Communists between 1945 and 1949.
Yuan Shikai
General who became First President of China
Where did the Nationalists have their capital?
The concept whereby a build-up of opposing forces—social, economic and political—and their resolution through revolution, explains how society develops from one stage to another.
Dialectical Materialism
The Twenty-eight Bolsheviks
Who took over the Politburo after the dismissal of Li Lisan?
Stalin pressured Chiang to allow the communists to escape because he held his son hostage in Moscow.
What do Chang and Halliday claim is the reason the CCP forces were able to escape the encirclement by GMD forces?
Making matches, wire, soap, and opium
What were some of the key industries at Yan'an?
The Yellow River
What natural feature did the Nationalists use in an act of 'environmental warfare' in 1938 to slow down the Japanese advance on Wuhan?
People were encouraged to practice the virtues of: social decency, honesty, right conduct and self-respect
New Life Movement
Stalin warned Mao via secret telegrams not to cross this.
Yangtze River
‘a magazine that jabbed the rapier [sword] of modern Western ideas through the ribs of China’s rigid traditions'.
'New Youth' magazine published by Chen Duxiu
Big Ears Du
Who was the leader of the Green Gang in Shanghai who massacred CCP members in April 1927?
Chen Duxiu
Communist leader who held to the traditional Marxist view the revolution had to come from the working class in the industrial cities
An 1930-1 program to remove suspect officers of the Red Army instigated by Mao through torture and executions.
What were the Futian Purges?
Gen. Von Seeckt
What was the name of the German advisor to the GMD forces in the Fifth Encirclement Campaign?
The campaign established Mao as the dominant ideological theorist and undisputed leader of the CCP.
What was the result of the Rectification Campaign?
Gen. Joseph 'Vingear Joe' Stilwell
What was the name of the US advisor who came into conflict with Chiang over command of the Chinese army and use of American aid?
Soong Meiling
Jiang Jieshi's beautiful, well-connected, American-educated second wife.
The Three Campaigns
These three major campaigns fought between 1948 and 1949—Liaoshen, Huaihai, and Pingjin—led to the decisive Communist victory over the Nationalists and the eventual establishment of the People's Republic of China.