Our country is currently in the assault phase of deepening economic structural reform and perfecting the Socialist market economy system. The system will help China adapt to globalization
It is a recent Chinese system created to report the ‘trustworthiness’ of individuals, corporations, and governmental entities.
What Is the Chinese Merit-Based Point System
what was my favorite meme?
The one with the cat
disorganized collection of projects and mechanisms scattered across the country
Todays social credit system
What was the original timeline for the system?
What was your favorite meme
(What you say will affect your social credit)
acceptable answers
-the cat
-the *dies one
-human rights cringe
Name an entity affected by the credit system?
raising the honest mentality and credit levels of the entire society
Which was Marrongelis's favorite meme
we have to ask him
What Makes Up Your Credit FILE
Basic Information
Employment Record
Key Enforcement Information
building a harmonious Socialist society
What is China's Goal?
Did you enjoy this presentation?
(any other answer and I take your pets)
What 3 sets of information go into calculating your credit score
Financial- Social- Online
Name A Punishment For Low Credit
Name a reward for high credit