Watermelon in Chinese
What is Xīguā
1 in chinese
What is Yī
sweep the floor in Chinese
What is Sǎodì
eyes in chinese
What is yǎnjīng
Sofa in Chinese
What is shāfā
lettuce in chinese
What is Shēngcài
7 in chinese
What is Qī
Wash the dishes in chinese
What is Xǐ wǎn
Foot in chinese
What is jiǎo
Bed in Chinese
What is chuáng
Apple in Chinese
what is Píngguǒ
8 in chinese
What is Bā
Vacuum the carpet in chinese
What is xī dìtǎn
Head in chinese
What is tóu
Door in Chinese
What is mén
Banana in chinese
what is Xiāngjiāo
9 in chinese
What is ziǔ
Set the table in Chinese
What is bǎi zhuōzi
Finger in chinese
What is shǒuzhǐ
Stairs in Chinese
What is lóutī
Carrot in chinese
What is Húluóbo
10 in chinese
What is Shí
Take out the trash in chinese
What is dào lājī
Knee in chinese
What is xīgài
Table in Chinese
What is zhuō zi