Outsiders Arrive
Fall of the Qing
People's Republic
Cultural Revolution
Grab Bag

This historic trade route connecting Europe to China, facilitating the exchange of goods, culture, and ideas, which piqued European interest in reaching China directly.

What is the Silk Road


This rebellion was fueled by socio-economic grievances, religious fervor, and opposition to Qing rule. It resulted in massive loss of life and property, weakening the Qing Dynasty.

What is the Taiping Rebellion?


The founder of the Chinese Communist Party and the chairman of the People's Republic of China.

Who is Mao Zedong?


This revolution was sparked by Mao's desire to reassert control over the Communist Party

What is the Cultural Revolution?


This philosophical concept, central to Confucianism, emphasizes the importance of familial and societal harmony through respect for elders and social order.

What is Filial Piety?


European powers sought new trade routes to bypass this Middle Eastern Empire due to its control over traditional land routes, leading to the exploration of sea routes to establish direct access to lucrative Chinese goods.

What is the Ottoman Empire?


The Spheres of Influence granted foreign nations control over this process, further weakening Chinese sovereignty.

What is trade?


The main objectives of this program were to increase agricultural and industrial productivity and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

What is the Great Leap Forward?


The group of students who followed Mao's call to purge the country of anti-revolutionaries

What is the Red Guard?


This mountain range, often referred to as the "spine of China," stretches across the northern part of the country and is home to Mount Everest.

What are the Himalayas?


The trade of this item led to widespread addiction, social upheaval, and economic destabilization in China, contributing to the decline of traditional industries and the drain of silver reserves.

What is opium?


This rebellion was motivated by anti-foreign sentiment, resentment towards Christian missionaries, and opposition to foreign dominance in China. Its suppression led to increased foreign intervention and concessions in China.

What is the Boxer Rebellion?


A form of communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular point of view 

What is propaganda


Customs, Culture, Habits, and Ideas 

What are the "4 Olds"?


This popular Chinese social media app, known for its short-form videos, has gained global popularity, particularly among younger generations.

What is TikTok (or Douyin in China)


The invasion of this Chinese city by Japanese forces in 1937 resulted in widespread atrocities was caused by Japan's imperialistic goals and the quest for raw materials.

What is Nanking


This revolution led to the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty?

What is the Republican Revolution?


These were some of the consequences of the Great Leap Forward.

Answers may vary, but should include widespread famine, economic disruption, and millions of deaths.


These are some of the reasons youth joined the Red Guard.

Answers may vary, but can include: indoctrination, ideological fervor, and the opportunity to challenge authority and promote revolutionary change.


This ancient Chinese philosophy, attributed to Laozi, emphasizes harmony with nature and the concept of "wu wei," or non-action.

What is Taoism?


These are two of the motivating factors that led to Britain's involvement in the Opium Trade despite objections from China

What is a trade imbalance and demand for tea


Great Britain gained control of this Chinese city after their victory in the First Opium War.

What is Hong Kong?


Three of the ways Mao Zedong attempted to meet the goals of the Great Leap Forward.

What is collective farming, backyard steel production, and mass mobilization campaigns (propaganda)?


The people who Red Guard students were sent to learn from during the Cultural Revolution

Who are the peasants?


This river, known as the "Mother River of China," is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world.

What is the Yangtze River?
