The emperor in China was also called which of the following?
A. The Baba Yaga
B. Supreme Leader
C. Godly Father
D. The Son of Heaven
D. The Son of Heaven
Britain sold opium to China in exchange for what major good?
Tea (Will also accept silk/ China)
Sun Yat Sen observed democracy for the first time in which state in the U.S.?
Who's death triggers the warlord period?
Yuan Shikai
The working class/ agrarian peasants were primarily in which side of the Chinese Civil War? The CCP or KMT?
What was the Boxer Rebellion?
The Boxer Rebellion was an anti-foreign, anti-imperialist, and anti-Christian uprising that occurred in North China between 1899 and 1901, towards the end of the Qing dynasty. It was led by a Chinese secret society known as the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, whose members were referred to as "Boxers" in English due to their practice of Chinese martial arts
Lin Ze Hsu sent a letter to Queen Victoria advocating to stop the sale of Opium in China. What else did he do to prevent its sale in China?
Burn opium, attack merchant ships carrying opium
What were the goals of Sun's Kuomintang Party?
To unite China as a republic
Sun Yat Sen made several attempts to get the United States to help him end the Warlord period in China- true or false?
The old landlord classes were predominantly in which side of the Chinese Civil War? CCP or KMT?
Explain China's economy before the Opium Wars-
Self Sufficient- they farmed all food they ate/ provided all materials.. Only really exporting to foreign countries.
What major city did China lose to Britain during this time?
Hong Kong
How long was Sun Yat Sen president before giving the position to Yuan Shikai?
3 days
Sun Yat Sen gets help from the United States in ending this period- true or false?
Upon losing the Civil War, which country did the KMT flee to?
What was one example of a criticism of Cixi as a leader? (The Empress Dowager)
Murderer, expensive, supported the Boxer Rebellion
What was America's economic policy called regarding China following the Opium Wars?
The Open Door Policy
Yuan Shikai brought China into WWI in 1914- what kinds of contributions did Chinese men make in Britain and France during this time?
The Chinese Labor Corps
Sun Yat Sen does get help from which country in ending the warlord era?
Soviet Russia
Which foreign country did the KMT and CCP have to work together to defend?
When was the Qing Dynasty overthrown?
How did China modernize after the opium wars? Give two examples
Railroads, telegraph, legalized interracial marriage, torture made illegal, no more foot binding, education is westernized, western medicine introduced, improving the military equipment/ technology, farming tech. etc.
What were the goals of China upon entering WWI/ what were the results?
- get stronger negotiating power at the world stage
- get land back from Germany
- no land back/ Japan got the German possessions
- People very upset with Yuan Shikai when he declares himself emperor
After Sun Yat Sen dies, who takes over the Kuomintang party?
Chaing Kai Shek
How did the united front against Japan impact the Chinese Civil War?
- temporary halt to the civil war
-Strengthened the CCP (got more peasants to help defend from Japan)
- KMT strategic retreat (pulled off best men from frontlines for eventual Civil War)
- Once Japan lost WWII, the KMT had become less popular amongst the Chinese, and this is where the civil war picked back up..