过年时为什么要吃苹果? What is reason to eat apples at Chinese New Year?
代表平平安安 To symbolize safe and peaceful year.
除夕时最重要的活动是什么? What is the biggest event on New Year's Eve?
吃年夜饭Have the reunion dinner.
过年时为什么要吃水饺? What is the reason to eat dumplings at Chinese New Year?
水饺象征财富 To symbolize wealthy
小孩过年时向父母及长辈拜年会得到什么? What is kids getting when they say new year greetings to parents and elders?
红包 Red envelopes
过年时为什么要吃橘子? What is the reason to eat oranges at Chinese New Year?
象征大吉大利 To symbolize "luck"
春节庆祝活动持续多少天? What is the period for Chinese New Year celebration?
十五天 15 days.
过年为什么要吃鱼? What is the reason to eat fish at Chinese New Year?
象征年年有余 To symbolize wealth. Fish is the homophone of "remaining"
中国新年又叫什么? What is the other name for Chinese New Year?
春节 Spring Festival
过年为什么要吃年糕? What is the reason to eat rice cakes at Chinese New Year?
象征步步高升 To symbolize promotion and achievement.
过年为什么要放鞭炮? What is the reason to light firecracker at Chinese New Year?
赶走年兽. The loud noises are supposed to scare away evil spirits.