What color is the Tzahal uniform?
Give an example of a chessed:
What do we commemorate on Tisha Ba’v?
the destruction of the beit hamikdash
How many Avot (forefathers) were there?
What was the sin of the spies? (Parshat Shlach)
they spoke lashon Hara
What does tzahal stand for?
צבא ההגנה לישׂראל
Can you do chessed in camp, at home, in school, on the bus or all of them?
All of them
What can we do to rebuild the Beit Hamikdash?
do Mitzvot
How many shevatim (tribes) were there?
What miracle happened with Bilaam’s donkey when he was on his way to curse the Jews? (Parshat Balak)
the donkey started to talk
Sea, land, and air
What does chessed mean?
How many Batei Mikdash were destroyed?
In how many days did Hashem create the world?
7 days
Who gives the speech to the Jewish people in parshat Devarim? (Parshat Devarim)
What is the day of remembrance to thank all of our soldiers called?
Yom Hazikaron
What did we learn about chessed from the Kindness boomerang video?
that one act of chessed leads to another
Who destroyed the second Beit Hamikdash?
The Romans
How many makot (plagues) struck Egypt?
From the Parsha about the meraglim (spies) who were the two spies who didn’t speak bad about the land? (Parshat Shlach)
Yehoshua and Kalev
What age do you need to be to qualify for the Israeli army?
18 and older
Who embodies chessed in the Torah?
What are one of the five things that happened on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz?
Shoshana will approve your answer
How many spies spoke nicely about Eretz Yisrael?
What tefillah did Bilaam end up saying to Jews instead of cursing them? (Parshat Balak)
Mah Tovu