Biblical Widows
Notable Men
Christian Greek Scriptures
Name the deed!
Hebrew Scriptures

In 1 Kings 17:22, at Zarephath the prophet Elijah was shown hospitality by a poor widow, whose flour and oil Jehovah miraculously sustained during a great famine and whose son Elijah was...?

What is 'Raised from death'?


The prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jesus Christ as well as the apostles Peter and Paul all spoke of this righteous man. — Isa 54:9; Mt 24:37; Heb 11:7. 

Hint! He was the first patriarch of the post-Flood society.

Who is Noah?


This Bible book tells how the Paradise will come to be.

Hint! Apostle John was the writer. This book was written “in signs.” 

What is the Book of Revelation?


What Bath-sheba was doing when David first saw her (2 Samuel 11:2)

What is 'Bathing'?


This Bible book tells how Paradise was lost.

Hint! From the creation of the first man, Adam, to the death of Jacob’s son Joseph, this book covers 2,369 years of human history.

What is Book of Genesis?


A book of the Bible is named for this widow of Mahlon and ancestor of David. 

Hint! Her love for her mother-in-law was such that, later, others were able to say that she was better to Naomi than seven sons.

Who is Ruth?


He was called “the father of us all” because of his great faith (Romans 4:16)

Hint! He has the distinction of being the only person whom the Bible directly refers to as God’s friend—and three times at that!—2 Chronicles 20:7

Who is Abraham?


This Bible book teaches us how family life should be. This book also highlights the theme of Christian unity and encourages Christians to “put on the new personality”, “be in subjection to one another in fear of Christ”, and “to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil” by putting on the complete suit of spiritual armor. 

Hint! Paul was the writer.

What is the Book of Ephesians?


In Biblical times, this was a gesture of affection or respect between close friends (1 Samuel 20:41, 42)

Hint! It was common not only between male and female relatives, but also between male relatives. And it might even accompany a blessing. (Ge 31:55)

What is 'Kissing'?


This Bible book tells how life will be when Jesus rules as King.

Hint! The book magnifies Jehovah as “the Holy One of Israel,” applying this expression to him a total of twenty-five times. Also, it points with unmistakable clarity to the Messiah or Anointed One of Jehovah through whom deliverance would come to the people of God.

What is the Book of Isaiah?


Making Bathsheba a widow King David sent her husband this Hittite to his death in battle.

Hint! He was one of David’s foreign warriors. (2Sa 23:39; 1Ch 11:41) 

Who is Uriah?


He was selected before his birth to be a prophet. He served God faithfully for over 65 years. Though he felt inexperienced and afraid to speak, Jehovah told him: “Do not be afraid. . . , for I am with you to deliver you.”

Hint! He was a researcher and a historian as well as a prophet. He wrote the book bearing his name and is also generally credited with writing the books of First and Second Kings.

Who is Jeremiah? -Jeremiah 1:6-8


This Bible book tells how Kingdom preaching spread throughout the world.

Hint! Luke was the writer. The first part of book is primarily about the activity of the apostle Peter, and the latter part is about that of the apostle Paul. 

What is the Book of Acts?


At Jehovah’s direction, Moses sent out 12 men to Canaan to do this (Numbers 13:2)?

What is 'Spy'?


This Bible book tells how the wisdom of its words is always true.

Hint! This Bible book, completed about 716 B.C.E., helps us to display wisdom, applying knowledge aright.

What is Book of Proverbs?


Paul's first letter to this congregation says widows may remarry? (1 Cor. 7:39)

What is the Congregation at Corinth? 


He was the courageous spokesman for his brother, Moses, when they appeared before Pharaoh. Jehovah later appointed him to be Israel’s first high priest. 

Hint! Although he served God loyally for many years, he did not honor God at Meribah. Therefore, he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. —Numbers 20:12,13.

Who is Aaron?


This Bible book keeps focused on what’s true and good and right. The letter to this congregation breathes love.

Hint! In the book, writer Paul encouraged those who are mature to pursue “down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God.” He also stated: “To what extent we have made progress, let us go on walking orderly in this same routine.”

What is the Book of Philippians?


What the unrighteous steward in Jesus’ illustration was ashamed to do (Luke 16:3)

What is 'Beg'?


This Bible book tells of the happiness that serving God will bring.

Hint! Written by a man renowned for his wisdom, King Solomon, the book contains practical advice on what is truly worthwhile in life and what is valueless. What makes this book so fascinating is the wide range of subjects the writer delves into—human wisdom and rule, material wealth and pleasures, formalistic religion, and so forth. 

What is the Book of Ecclesiastes?


The widow of Phinehas had a baby named_____?

Hint! His name was given to him by his dying mother while giving birth, signified that glory had gone away from Israel in view of the capture of the Ark and the deaths of Phinehas and Eli.—1Sa 4:17-22; 14:3.

Who is Ichabod?


The fulfillment of this prophet's utterances against Judah and Babylon marks him as a true prophet of Jehovah, in whose name and for whose glory he spoke.

Hint! The Bible book bearing his name is made up of three chapters. Another of the so-called minor prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. However, his vision and pronouncement inspired by God are by no means minor in significance to God’s people.

Who is Habakkuk?


This Bible book tells how his former slave became his Christian friend.

Hint! It is the only “private” letter of Paul, in that it was not addressed officially to a congregation or a responsible overseer but was addressed to a private person and dealt solely with the special problem Paul wanted to discuss with this Christian brother. 

What is the Book of Philemon?


To surround with armed forces (2 Kings 6:24)

What is a Besiege? 


This Bible book gives encouragement to listen and obey.

Hint! Moses was its writer. Bible book outlines the judicial arrangement for Israel when settled in the Promised Land. It sets forth the qualifications for judges and the arrangement of courts in the city gates, with the sanctuary as the supreme court of the land, whose judgments were to be followed by all Israel.

What is the Book of Deuteronomy?
