Sentences Questions
Homophones and more
Subject-Verb Agreement
Simple, Compound, Complex or Run-On
Parts of Speech

A simple sentence has:

(Mention 3 traits and get double points.)

*two parts (subject and predicate)

*a complete thought

*capital letter at the beginning

*punctuation mark


huge and little are...

A. synonyms

B. Antonyms

C. Homophones

D. Homographs

B. Antonyms


The plates and the bowl (go / goes) on that shelf.

Get double points if you tell the type of verb.


Extra: Action verb


Type of sentence (Simple, Compound, or Complex) and correction where it is needed.

The entire Basketball team went to have dinner after the game

Simple Sentence

No capital b in basketball and a period at the end.

The entire basketball team went to dinner after the game.


Give 6 examples of prepositions.

in, on, off, at, outside, before, behind, next to, in front of, among, above, below..........


A simple sentence is also known as:

Main or Independent clause


Weight and wait are...

A. synonyms

B. Antonyms

C. Homophones

D. Homographs

C. Homophones



The bouquet of roses (make / makes) me sneeze.



If your answer is correct, you will get 200 points, but if not, the team with the lowest score will get them.

 Type of sentence (Simple, Compound, or Complex) and correction where it is needed.

Instead of going to have dinner i wanted to go to the mall yesterday. 

Complex Sentence

Comma after the word dinner and Capital I (pronoun)


Which are the types of verbs?

Get double points if you mention 3 tenses of verbs.

linking, action, helping, main

Extra: present, past, future, present and past continuous, present and past perfect


True or False? Simple sentences can have more than one subject and more than one predicate.

Get double points if you explain why.

True because they can have compound subjects and compound predicates.


What are the words Tear and Tear? Explain your answer.

A. synonyms

B. Antonyms

C. Homophones

D. Homographs

D. Homographs


During the morning, my dog (am / are / is / was / were) looking around for his bone.

Get double points if you tell the type and tense of the verb.


Extra: Helping Verb in Past Tense


Type of sentence (Simple, Compound, or Complex) and correction where it is needed.

My parents surprised us so we could go to japan on vacation.

Compound Sentence

comma after the word us, capital letter to Japan


Which questions are answered by adverbs?

Get double points if you mention the questions that adjectives answer to.

When?, Where?, How?

Extra: How many?, What kind?, Which one?


What is the difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence?

The compound one has 2 independent clauses and the complex has 1 independent and 1 subordinated.


Mention 5 punctuation marks.

comma, period, exclamation mark, question mark, semicolon, colon 


My friend and my cousin (do / does) not like to play together.



Type of sentence (Simple, Compound, or Complex) and correction where it is needed.

Mr. Spieker and Batman ran to save the little girl when the building was burning.

Complex Sentence

No correction is needed.


Mention at least 6 of the parts of speech.

nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections


What is formed when you combine two simple sentences with a comma and coordinating conjunction?

A compound sentence


When a subordinating conjunction is not at the beginning of the sentence, what happens to the comma?

The comma is not needed.


Which are the endings of a verb to add -es in present tense? (Mention at least 5)

s, ss, o, sh, ch, x, z


Correct the run-on sentence by creating a compound sentence: 

The students complete their work they could not have to play.

The students complete their work, but they did not have time to play.


Which are the 2 types of conjunctions? Mention 3 conjunctions of each type.

Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Subordinated Conjunctions: since, although, because, if, while, when, before, etc.
