what animal has a long neck?
What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What continent boasts the most telephone lines?
South Park takes place in which state?
What are the four suits in a standard deck of playing cards?
Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades
a animal that sleeps on 2 feet?
What flavor of Pop-Tarts does Buddy the Elf use in his spaghetti in Elf?
What city boasts a Board of Trade that buy and sells half the world's wheat and corn?
How many people did Annalise Keating kill on How to Get Away With Murder?
In the game of Clue, how many murder weapons are there?
what animal has the most powerful bite?
The head of what kind of animal is front-and-center in an infamous scene from The Godfather?
A horse
What U.S. state has the highest percentage of residents born in other countries?
Who was Bart Simpson's teacher?
Mrs. Krabappel
In Scrabble, which letter is worth the most points?
Q and Z, both worth 10 points
what is a female fox called?
Which movie was incorrectly announced as the winner of Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards, during one of the greatest Oscars flubs of all time?
La La Land
How many U.S. states are named after a president?
Cast members of which two classic shows guest-starred on the series finale
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
In Monopoly, what is the name of the most expensive property?
what is the closest relative of the t-rex?
what actor invents his on action moves?
Jakie chang
Which two European countries lead the world in wine consumption per capita?
France and Italy.
What is the name of Toby's daughter on The Office?
Staten Island
In the game of Jenga, how many wooden blocks are there in a complete set?