Literally Homelessness
Individuals and families who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence
Purpose of Opiods
Pain Relief
Bed Wetting
Sign of Child sexual abuse
Protective services, part of public social services
Nursing Process
Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation
Imminent Risk of Homelessness
Individuals and families who will imminently loose their primary nighttime residence
Drug overdose drug?
Acute Battering
Type of direct abuse to victim
Human Trafficking Risks
Poverty, limited English proficiency, or lack of lawful immigration status, are exacerbated by lack of stable, safe housing, and limited economic and educational opportunities, woman, under 18
Secondary Prevention
Homeless Under Other Federal Statutes
Unaccompanied youth (under 25) and families with children and youth who are defined as homes with intermittent accessibility to nighttime residence
Emotional support to provide
Empathy, theraputic communication
Signs of physical abuse
broken bones, bruises, shaken baby, burns, concussion, abrasions
72 hours
Optimal time frame for finding and recovering victims that have been captured
Coping method for individuals in crisis
Therapy, Support Systems, Community Engagement
Fleeing/Attempting to Flee Domestic Violence
Individuals and families who are fleeing or attempting to flee DV, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions that relate to violence
Vs. other Health Conditions
More disability, death and illness than any other health condition.
10th leading cause of death
Types of abuse
Emotional, Physical, Psychological, Sexual, Financial, Neglect
Etiology of Fatal 5
Polypharmacy, Improper Positioning, Obesity, Dysphagia
Mandated Reporters
Physicians, Nurse, Mental Health workers, EMTs, paramedics, medical examiners, all employers in long-term health facilities, SWs, MFTs, Child care custodians, Elder custodians, teachers, clergy, Law enforcement, protective services, commercial film & photographic print processors
Warning sign of Homicide
Bragging, obsession with weapons, frequent aggressive behavior, history of abuse, knows the victim
Addictive Opiods
Heroin, Fentanyl, Morphine, Vicodin, Oxycodone, Methadone
Violence risk factors
Income, employment, work stress, media exposure to violence, crowded living conditions, poverty, feeling powerless, social isolation, lack of community resources
Linked to Health Disparities
Ethnicity, Race, income, difficulty accessing health services or health care, poor self esteem, chronic stress, young or old, environmental factors, communicable disease, discrimination
Actions of Abuse in home
Have a functioning car, note exits, park on street, keep belongings nearby, don't enter home if abuse is heard in home or possible danger present, assess risk of immediate harm