Decision Making
Production Possibilities Frontier
Factors of Production
Social Choices and Objections
Economics Illustrated

This measures cost by what we give up/forfeit in exchange; it measures the value of the forgone alternative

What is opportunity cost?


This acronym refers to an alternative name for the graphs of this category, not talking about about YouTube here

What is PPC (Production Possibilities Curve)?


Sometimes simply raising salary will boost a particular industry, increasing this FOP

What is capital?


This statement which describes the world as it is, it feels good to hear straight facts in economics

What is a positive statement?


This triangular graph helps most adults keep their bank accounts balance. This two-word term simplifies it for economists

What is budget constraint?


This term represents all possible combinations of consumption that someone can afford given the prices of goods and the individual’s income

What is an opportunity set?


Remember, economics is not entirely a math class. So when I speak about opportunity cost on a graph, this term is what I mean to show rate of change

What is slope?

If you're looking to staff your school with qualified personnel, you may need to boost FOP to occupy those classrooms

What is labor?


Mr. Lanier advises you to avoid this kind of statement which describes how the world "should" be, it can get messy

What is a normative statement?


Point D would look good for those who want to save those scarce resources, but for the good of society we shouldn't waste it. Also considered this:

What is inefficient?


Countries that can produce a good at a lower cost in terms of other goods; or, countries that have a lower opportunity cost of production exercise this power

What is Comparative Advantage?


This term that, given the available inputs and technology, it is impossible to produce more of one good without decreasing the quantity that is produced of another good

What is Productive Efficiency?


You being a student-athlete, you can benefit from teachers and nurses under the same roof by using the land-based FOP

What are schools?


Adam Smith is at it again with this concept that individuals' self-interested behavior can lead to positive social outcomes

What is the Invisible Hand?


Point E on this graph is at great aspiration, but as currently pictured it is considered this:

What is unattainable?


The past is the past! Resources lost in an exchange, once lost they are gone: commonly referred to as this:

What are sunk costs?


This concept means that the particular combination of goods and services on the production possibility curve that a society produces represents the combination that society most desires

What is Allocative Efficiency?


Pictured here, a lack of this FOP makes it hard for medical professionals to get scans for your injuries

What is technology?


The economic synonym for "exchange," this diagram illustrates the individual opportunity set and production possibilities frontier to show the constraints under which individual consumers and society as a whole operate.  

What is a tradeoff diagram?


If you're on the line, you're just fine! This term means you're using the most appropriate and balance amount of resources for society

What is efficient? 


When people are making decisions for their economy, the two choices on the axes can be referred to these macroeconomic entities

What are industries?


As we get closer to the end of the curve you notice this law, where as we add additional increments of resources to producing a good or service, the marginal benefit from those additional increments will decline 

What is the law of diminishing returns?


Comedian Bo Burnham had two songs on his "Inside" album about this entrepreneur, taking books and creating a multibillion dollar company

Who is Jeffrey Bezos?


This law states that as we consume more of a good or service, the utility we get from additional units of the good or service tends to become smaller than what we received from earlier units. Careful with that next slice of pizza

What is the law of diminishing marginal utility?


Nothing pictured here, but you'll see these missing from most production possibilities frontiers. It's hard to quantify the factors of production

What are numbers?
