True or False Choices
Choices That Affect Others.
How to Choose Good Choices.
Feeling Good About Making Choices

Your parents say that you can't play outside after dark. You are playing with your best friend at the park, and the sun is going down. Your friend says, "No come on, don't leave, we're having fun. Just stay a little longer and then sneak in when you get home, so your parents don't see you.

Tell your friend, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that." Then say goodbye and go home on time.


True or False: When working in a group, it doesn't matter if I don't do my part of the project because the other students will make sure the project is done.

False. When working in a group, it is everyone's job to work together to make sure the project is done. If one person doesn't do their part, the other student's might get angry.


If someone yells or is loud in class, how does it affect other people?

The other students won't be able to hear the teacher.

It disturbs the whole class.


Name the first step to making a good choice.

Stop and ________ about it.

Think about it.


Does my schoolwork have to be perfect?

No, what it's important is that you try and do your best.


A kid at school stole your snack. Should you hit him, or tell a teacher?

Tell a teacher.


True or False: A boy at school dropped his books in the hallway, it's not my business to help the kid pick his books up. 

False. The nice thing to do would be to help the kid pick his books up.


How does it affect others, if someone makes fun of other kids at school?

The kid being made fun of will feel bad about himself,  or sad.

The other kids who are watching might feel scared that you might make fun of them.

Other kids might not want to be your friend because they think you are mean.

The other kid might cry.

The other kid might tell a teacher that you are being mean.

It's bullying.


Name a second step to make a good choice.

Imagine the ______________.

Consequences--- think about what could happen if you make a certain choice (Imagine it in your mind).


Is it ok to make mistakes if you have made good choices?

Yes....What's important is that you try your best, think about how you can help other people with your good choices, and how you can do better the next time!


Which one is the good choice? Do your homework or Go to the movies?

Do your homework.


True or False: Someone at your school just made you mad. The best choice would be to take a deep breath to calm down.

True. Taking deep breaths when we're upset helps us calm down, helps us think clearly, and helps us make better choices.


A kid decides not to do her schoolwork, how does it affect other people?

It affects the teacher, because-- the teacher won't know how to help her.  (they won't know the things she remembers, and the things she doesn't remember).

It might make her parents feel sad, they might think that she doesn't want to learn new things.

Her parents might be upset about her grades.

Other students might be upset if she's bothering them instead of doing her work.


Name a third step to make a good choice.

Ask yourself- "how will ______ choice affect other people?"

Ask yourself, "how will MY choice affect other people?"


A student in your class comes up to you and says another student is talking about you behind your back. What is the right way to handle this?

Go talk to the person calmly about what is going on or why they are talking about you. 


You are feeling bored in class and don't like what the teacher is teaching.  Should you-- Sneak out of class or stay in class and draw a picture quietly while you listen?

Stay in class.


True or False: There is a new student at your school today. She looks very nervous. I should NOT invite her to sit with me and my friends at lunchtime because she doesn't know us and my friends probably won't like that.

False. Inviting someone new to sit with you at lunchtime is the nice thing to do. It's a great way to meet someone new and make a new friend.


How does it affect other people if someone tells a lie?

It makes other people feel like they can't trust you.

It makes them not want to be your friend.

It makes them mad.

It might make them feel worried.


Name a fourth step to make a good decision.

____ someone else for help.

Ask someone else for help.


How will I know that I made a good choice?

My teacher will smile.

My Mom and Dad will smile and be happy.

My friends will say "thank you!"  They will smile and be happy.

Other people will say "Good job!!"

I will not get into trouble.


It's time for a quiz at school, you look at your paper and then realize "Oh no, I don't know the answers! Should you---try to sneak a look at your schoolbook to find the answer? Should you try to copy an answer from your neighbor?  Or should you- close your eyes and try to imagine your teacher telling you the right answer?

Imagine your teacher telling you the right answer. (Imagine hearing your teacher's voice explaining the right answer)


True or False: You are working in a group with students you don't like, but you've decided to give it a try anyway. One of the students are starting to bother you, so now you should just stop working.

False. The best choice would be to try talking to the student calmly. If that doesn't work, you should involve the teacher.


How does it affect other people when you make the choice to do your schoolwork?

It makes the teacher feel happy, because they see that you are learning.

It helps other students know how to make good choices.

It makes your parents happy because they see that you are trying (even when it isn't perfect).

It keeps you busy so that you're not bothering other students.


Name a fifth step to make a good choice.

Choose _______.

Choose wisely.


You made fun of someone and they found out. They are really hurt. How can you fix this situation?

Say you are sorry. Tell them what you said was wrong and hurtful. Do not repeat the same mistake.
