Name a consequence
Pick the best choice

Name 2 choices you make every day. 

What you are going to wear, what you will eat throughout the day, what you will do in your free time, whether or not to follow our school wide expectations, who you will play with at recess and many more


True or False:

A consequence is what happens after we have made a choice



Name a consequence for lying. 

- You will lose the trust of the person you lied to

- You will get in trouble and miss out on activities or other fun things

- You will not feel good, you will feel guilty, shameful

- You might get someone else in trouble


Pick the best choice with the best outcome:

You see a vehicle that you really want to visit and ask questions to at Careers on Wheels 

A)  wait until your teacher takes your class to that station and be ready with your question

B) leave your teacher and class and go join the class that is at the station you really want to visit


Waiting until your teacher takes your class to that station will allow you to have the opportunity to explore the vehicle that you want.  If you decide to leave and join the other class this could lead to some negative consequences and possibly cause you to miss out on exploring the station you want to see. 


True or False:

Making choices can be hard

True- sometimes we are faced with easy choices (like what we want to have to eat for lunch) and sometimes we have to make more difficult choices (should I finish my homework or play my video game instead)


True or False:

Bad choices often lead to negative consequences.



Name a consequence for looking directly into the sun during a solar eclipse

- You can cause permanent eye damage


Pick the best choice with the best outcome:

Your friend is being picked on by another student

A) tell your friend to say mean things back 

B) tell a trusted adult who can help


Saying mean things back may make the situation worse and/or cause you to receive a negative consequence. You should report the behavior to a trusted adult. 


True or False:

When we make the right choice, we feel good.



Is this an example of a negative or positive consequence:

Tammy had to choose between joining her friends in a conversation instead of doing her work in class, or doing her work in class and ignoring her friends that were talking. Tammy chose to ignore her friends and therefore didn't have to miss any of her recess to make up her unfinished work.

Positive consequence.

By choosing to complete her work in class instead of talking to her friends, Tammy was able to enjoy her entire recess and didn't have to miss any of it to work on her unfinished work.


Name a consequence for having a messy and disorganized desk or binder

- You could become overwhelmed when it is time to locate something you need for class

- You could lose important things that you need for class

- You could miss out on instruction from the teacher if you have to spend too much time finding things you need for class


Pick the best choice with the best outcome:

The weather forecast is predicting very cold weather for the day. 

A) you should leave out your winter coat, hats, and gloves 

B) you do not usually wait long for the bus so you think just a coat will be fine


Sometimes buses run late and it is better to have more layers than less so you do not have to worry about catching a cold. 


If you are having trouble knowing what is the best choice, what can you do?

Talk with a trusted adult (parent/guardians, teacher, me, counselor, coach) to ask for help or advice.


Is this an example of a negative or positive consequence:

Tony's classmate kept kicking his chair. Tony asked his classmate nicely to stop kicking his chair many times. Tony had to decide if he was going to start kicking his classmates chair back or report it to the teacher. He decided to kick his classmates chair and the teacher noticed and said they both were going to lose their free time.

Negative consequence. 


Name a consequence for causing disruptions during whole group learning time

- The teacher has to stop instruction to talk to you which leads to the learning being stopped for the entire class

- You could miss important information that is being presented which can cause you to not do well on your tests

- You could lose out on privileges and incentives or rewards due to your disruptions


Pick the best choice with the best outcome:

A new student joins your class

A) you introduce yourself and welcome them to school

B) you introduce yourself and ask if they'd like to join your lunch table


It is always nice to introduce yourself and to try to make a new classmate feel welcomed. It would be extra nice to ask them to join you at lunch so they don't have to worry about eating alone. 
