What is the lowest voice in choir?
What is it called when a singer sings alone?
What symbol RAISES a pitch? Draw it.
Describe choir posture.
Feet flat, sitting/standing tall, shoulders relaxed, head straight, arms at side
Name the 7 continents.
Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America
What is the highest voice in choir?
What is it called when two singers sing together?
What symbol LOWERS a pitch? Draw it.
What are the louds and softs in music called?
What is the dot above or below a note called/ what does it do?
Staccato; short and choppy
Is the alto voice lower or higher than soprano?
What is it called when more than one person sing together?
What pitch is on the fourth space of the treble clef? (Letter name)
Most important organ/body part in singing.
LUNGS!!! (Or diaphragm)
What is a group of porcupines called?
How many voice parts are there?
What are the words for getting (volume) louder and softer in choir?
Crescendo and decrescendo
What pitch is on the second line of the treble clef? (letter name)
What are all of the dynamic markings?
pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff
What are three of the most common (foreign) languages classical choir songs are sung in?
Latin, German, French, Italian
What is it called when an adult male sings Alto or Soprano?
Who writes the music?
What does 'ff' mean?
Fortissimo, meaning very loud!
Name four notes we have learned about in choir.
Whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note, sixteenth note, dotted quarter note, dotted half note
What musical did GAHS perform this year?!?!!?
The Addams Family!