The number of quarter notes per measure in a 2/4 meter
What is two?
Term A means to gradually become louder. Term B means to gradually become softer. (two answers)
What is crescendo and decrescendo?
This is the international language for musical terms.
What is Italian?
These are the number of spaces on a staff
What is four?
These are the space notes of the treble clef
What are A, C, E, G?
This is the meaning of the top and bottom numbers of a time signature.
What is top equals how many pulses per measure and bottom number equals the kind of note which gets the value?
This is an articulation mark which means to play notes stronger than the other notes.
What is an accent?
This is the slower of the two tempos: moderato or adagio
What is adagio?
This is another name for the bass clef
What is the F clef?
These are the lines notes of the Bass Clef
What are G, B, D, F, A?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY This is the total number of beats in the following rhythm: half note, whole note, quarter note, quarter note, quarter note, dotted half note.
What is twelve beats?
This is a dynamic term which is similar to the term decrescendo.
What is diminuendo?
This is the meaning of the two tempos a) accelerando and b) ritardando
What is a) gradually becoming faster b) gradually becoming slower?
These are lines added above and below the staff to indicate specific line notes
What are ledger lines?
This is the fourth pitch above middle c
What is F?
This is the correct one measure rhythm that goes with 4/8:
a) two half notes b) two quarter notes
c) four eighth notes d) four whole notes
What is c) four eighth notes?
This is what the term "sf" stands for in Italian and meaning. (Italian term and meaning)
What is sforzando? What is to sing soft and then suddenly loud?
This is what poco a poco means
What is little by little?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY These are symbols which raise, lower or cancel out the pitch
What are accidentals?
These are three notes which spell a word on the staff. The first one is the third line note in treble clef. The second is the fourth space note in treble clef. The last is the first line note in bass clef.
What is B E G?
TRIPLE JEOPARDY This is the correct time signature that would fit the following two measure rhythm:
half note, half note, half note, barline, two quarter notes, whole note, barline
What is 3/2 meter?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY These are the order of the dynamic symbols from loudest to softest: mp, f, ff, p, pp, mf
What is ff, f, mf, mp, p, pp?
This term and its meaning is the opposite of an italian term which means short and detached (opposite term and meaning)
What is legato? What is smooth and well connected?
These are the solfege words which would fit the numerical pattern: 1 5 6 7 2 4 3 5 1
What is Do, Sol, La, Ti, Re, Fa, Mi, Sol, Do?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY These five pitches spell a word. They are the first four space notes in treble clef and the second ledger line note above the treble clef staff.