About LDL
About HDL
About Cholesterol
Patients and Tests
Lifestyle Changes
What does LDL stand for?
Low-Density Lipoprotein
What does HDL stand for?
High-Density Lipoprotein
What is a cholesterol test called?
Lipid panel or lipid profile
What other molecules are monitored along with LDL's and HDL's?
What would be the two main things to do to take control of bad cholesterol levels?
A good diet and exercise
What is the structure of LDL and why does it affect the name?
Since LDL's are made up of more lipids than proteins and lipids being less dense than protein, this is howit gets the name low-density lipoprotein
What is the structure of HDL and why does it affect the name?
Since protein is more dense than fats/lipids, HDL has more proteins than lipids, making it a high density lipoprotein
Not only can you intake cholesterol through food, but what organ makes cholesterol for your body?
The liver
What can patients do to change their LDL and HDL levels?
Primarily change their diet in order to lower LDL levels and raise HDL levels. Different foods can have an effect on each component of cholesterol. This can also be done by loosing weight.
What are some specialists that would help you with the everyday life and care for high cholesterol?
Primary Care Physician, Cardiologist, Lipidologist, Dietitian, and Exercise Physiologist.
What is the function of LDL?
Its function is to bring cholesterol to cells throughout your body and can cause (bad) cholesterol buildup in the arteries.
What is the function of HDL?
HDL carries away from your heart, other organs, and delivers it to your liver, which is where it is passed from your body.
What are the difference between unsaturated, trans, and saturated fats?
Saturated and trans fats raise blood cholesterol levels, while unsaturated fats reduce cholesterol deposit buildup in your artery walls.
Why do doctors want to monitor cholesterol?
Cholesterol is unable to dissolve in the bloodstream so doctors want to ensure that their patients don't have too much cholesterol built up in the arteries.
What is another way to lower cholesterol if diet and exercise aren't enough?
See a doctor, and your doctor can recommend medication to help lower cholesterol
What does LDL lead to?
This buildup can lead to risks of heart disease and stroke.
What does HDL lead to?
This leads to health benefits and lessens the risk of heart disease and stroke.
What do the three main types of fats do to your overall health?
2 of the 3 main fats can increase a persons risk for heart disease, The other fat reduces that risk of heart disease.
What do the results of a cholesterol test mean?
A high level of LDL means there's a higher risk for heart disease and stroke.
How does smoking affect the risk of high chloesterol?
It reduces HDL(good cholesterol) and damages arteries, making it a greater risk for plaque to clog the arteries.
What are some factors that could influence your LDL levels? List at least 3 factors.
Uncontrollable factors are age and family history. Diet can be fixed, filling your diet with healthier choices such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, ect.
What is a good level of HDL to have for both men and women to aim to achieve?
Generally between 40 to 50 milligrams per deciliter of blood. HDL levels of 60 milligrams or more may protect against heart disease.
Which fat(s) raise LDL levels and which fat(s) raise HDL levels?
Saturated and trans fats increases the LDL levels(bad fats) and unsaturated fats increase HDL levels(good fats).
How are the values of the test results interpreted?
LDL: less than 100 mg/dL low risk more than 130 mg/dL higher risk (avg. 100-129 mg/dL) HDL: less than 50 mg/dL higher risk more than 60 mg/dL lower risk (avg. 40-59 mg/dL)
http://www.vaughns-1-pagers.com/medicine/cholesterol-range.htm Why would a person with cholesterol problems see these tables differently than a person with out?
If you didn't have cholesterol problems then you wouldn't know as much about the high and low risk values numbers.