What is tequila made from
What is agave
What ingredients are in an Irish car bomb?
What are Guiness, Baileys, and Jameson
How many teams are in the first official round of March madness
What is 64
What percentage of hinge is men?
What is 64%
In what country was the Margarita invented?
What is Mexico
What is the most popular Irish liquor in the world?
What is Baileys
The seeding ranges for March madness range from 1 to what?
What is 16
Hinge has 23 million users. To the nearest million, how many pay for the premium version of Hinge?
What is 1.2 million
Within 20,000, on average how many margaritas are consumed in the U.S. per hour
What is 185,000
Where was the very first St Patrick’s Day parade held?
What is Boston
How many national championships has Purdue won?
What is zero
What percentage of married couples met on a dating app
What is 10%
What are the 3 key ingredients in a margarita (excluding ice)
What are Tequila, triple sec, and lime juice
Why is St Patrick’s day March 17th?
It is the day St. Patrick died
Who has scored the most points in Purdue basketball history?
Who is Zach Edey
what percentage of hinge matches end in a relationship?
What is 5%
What does margarita mean in Spanish
What is daisy
What does “Erin go Brah” mean
What is Ireland forever
Where is the final four this year
What is San Antonio
How many swipes are made on Hinge daily?
What is 1 billion