This time signature means: 3 beats per measure, and the quarter note gets the beat.
What is the 3/4 time signature.
When singing vowels in choral music, we want to sing using ____ vowels.
What is tall vowels.
While on stage, walking on, or in the audience, the number 1 most important thing we make sure we are not doing.
The trash god's favorite sacrifice.
What is chewing gum.
The Mr. Schwarz way of pronouncing this word: What
To Gradually increase in volume.
Crescendo <
The word to describe proper pronunciation of consonants.
What is Diction.
Where your hands should be during position 1 and during a concert.
What is "by your side."
You cannot use these electronic devices in school.
What are phones.
What is Mr. Schwarz's favorite anime ever?
What is Naruto.
The space between two bar lines.
What is a measure.
The name of the syllables with hand signs we use in chorus to represent pitches.
What is Solfege.
What should we be wearing to the concerts.
What is "Our Black AMS polo."
The policy Mr. Schwarz uses if a student goes against class/school rules.
What is the 3 strike policy.
What is the name of Mr. Schwarz's 19 year old cat?
Who is Dig.
A Whole Rest is __ whole beats of _________.
What is 4 whole beats of silence.
The best position for singing.
Standing up tall. Position 1
Where everyone should be looking at all times.
Where is "At the Conductor, at Mr. Schwarz, at you."
Students should always do this if they have a question.
Mr. Schwarz's age.
quarter note + Half note - 2 eighth notes + whole note = how many beats?
What is 6 beats.
Where do you breathe from?
Your core/ diaphragm.
Singers should be showing this or my 7000 assassins will get you.
Show face, energy.
The R in P.R.I.D.E stands for this.
Respectful. (I am Respectful)
The name of the group Mr. Schwarz sang in.