What did God create in the beginning?
The heavens and earth, light, sky, sea, plants, people, etc.
What were the names of Adam & Eve's first 2 children?
Cain & Abel
What did God tell Noah to do and why?
To build an ark to save them from the great flood.
What are the 3 promises God made to Abraham?
He gave him land, descendants, and his blessing.
What was Joseph's father's name?
Jacob or Israel.
Whom did God creat man and woman to be?
In God's image
What was Cain's job? What was Abel's job?
Cain was a farmer, Abel took care of the sheep
What was God's covenant with Noah?
He will never again flood the Earth.
What were Abraham and Sarah's names before God changed them take on a new meaning?
Abram and Sarai.
What did Joseph's brothers do to him?
They sold him to an Egyptian merchant.
What did God do on the 7th day?
What did Cain do to Abel and why?
Killed him because he was jealous
What was the symbol of God's covenant with Noah?
A rainbow.
What did Abraham and Sarah name their first child?
What gift did God gave Joseph when he was in jail?
To interpret dreams.
What happened after Adam & Eve ate fruit from the tree of Knowledge?
They realized that they were not clothed.
What was Cain's punishment?
Why was the Tower of Babel made?
People wanted to make a tower to Heaven to show God they didn't need him.
What did Abraham tie up and put on the alter for a sacrifice to God?
Isaac, his son
What interpretation did Joseph gave regarding Pharaoh's dream?
7 years of drought, 7 years of prosperity
What did the serpent tell the woman about the fruit of the tree?
She would not die, but her eyes would be open and would be like gods who know what is good and bad.
What was the name of the son God gave Adam and Eve after Abel's death?
What did God do to the tower of Babel?
He confused the speech of the people so they couldn't understand each other and had to stop building the tower.
He brought bread and wine.
How did Joseph save his people?
He had stored grains during the 7 years of properity. He gave out the grains to the people during the7 years of drought.