The patriarch of the Grassi family.
Who is Joe Grassi?
Peter and Chris got accosted by police for eating pizza here.
Where is East Boston Camps?
Don't worry, I've got a 50!
Who is Jason?
This is Chris's favorite food.
What is Pizza?
Chris will spill at least this percentage of his beer when shotgunning.
What is about 40%?
The name of the dog that had to be put down (RIP)
We should put on this channel.
What is The Weather Channel?
This person was caught smoking inside the Grassi Residence with Chris himself.
Who is Peter "Loudpack" Trainor?
Chris easily put away how many Subway Steak & Cheese Footlong Sandwiches?
How many is two?
The reason why Chris thinks he's Mexican.
What is Chris's jumping ability?
This is Chris's favorite color.
What is PURPLE?
A good pineapple was destroyed here.
Where is the Starnch bridge?
I'm sooooooo drunk! I walked into a lighpost!
Who is a sober Kyle?
Chris left this in the backseat of Saif's car.
One (1) slice of Domino's Pizza, facedown.
When asked "What are you guys watching" by an angry Joe, Chris responded THIS:
What is "SNOOP DOGG"
This event delayed the Grassi family in selling their Westford home.
What is a tree falling on the Grassi Family Residence?
Chris stumbled upon Nate here, the start of a beautiful friendship.
This guy filled a fish tank with vape smoke and thought no one would notice.
Who is Saif "Not Driving High" Khan?
The drive to McDonalds from Starnch is about as long as this song.
What is Space to Bakersfield?
Some boys were caught using this dating app on the TV.
What is hot or not?
This many family members are banned from Chris's wedding.
How many is 3? All uncles baby.
We parked at this person's Uncle's house when we went to Hampton Beach.
Who is Chad?
Chris will kill this type of person in the parking lot of a bowling alley.
What is a cop?
Chris was driving here with Nate afraid for his life in the passenger seat on 4/20.
Where is Chipotle?
This guy said he could skate! Not the case.
Why is Saif in elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards, and a helmet showing up to a skate park?