This celestial body is commonly known as the north star
That's life
C'est la vie
She was the first woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane
Amelia Earhart
The key to a summer tan or to completely level
This constructed language was created for the nomadic people of the same name in the HBO series Game of Thrones
This organelle, found in plant and algae cells, enables photosynthesis
The joy of life
Joie de vivre
She was the first female justice appointed to the Supreme Court in 1981
Sandra Day O'Connor
One's interpretation of a situation or part of a woodwind instrument
This far out TV broadcast broke the record for highest viewership in 1969
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Nuclear fusion reactions occur in this state of matter due to the extreme temperature requirements
I don't know what
Je ne sais qouis
She was the only person to win a Nobel prize in two categories
Marie Curie
Place within a hierarchy or foul smelling
These two pokemon appear at the beginning of the first opening of the pokemon TV series
Mew and Mewtwo
Besides the sun, this is the closest star to our solar system, at 4.2 light years away
Proxima Centauri
Please respond (RSVP)
Respondez s'il vous plait
This American poet and civil rights activist wrote "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"
Maya Angelou
A poker hand or a type of landmass like the one discovered by Vitus Bering in 1728
This (in)famous season 2 bottle episode of Seinfeld plays out in real time
"The Chinese Restaurant"
Visible to the naked eye during a solar eclipse, it's the outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere
Let them do
Laissez faire
Martha Stewart became the first female American this in 2000
Self-made billionaire
To strengthen your resolve or a very good deal
This Pennsylvania state treasurer commited suicide at a press conference on live TV in 1987
Robert Budd Dwyer