Fallen on hard times? Steal from a grocery store! You could make a TV show out of this.
Good Girls
He's a 5-time district gold medalist and 1-time state silver medalist who played this instrument in the annual solo & ensemble competition.
The codename for lunch with this former PTI plant manager.
Tacos with Paco
If you need help on question one of the homework, you probably shouldn't be in this teacher's class.
Stephanie Mauck
This cleanliness-related acronym makes it much quicker to refer to the steps: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain.
This Bojack Horseman character has podcast-style ringtones.
Diane Nguyen
He hasn't picked up this piece of equipment since his last practice during senior year of high school.
Tennis Racquet
"Fast on your feet, not on the street." was the motto for delivery drivers of this company.
Jimmy John's
He was offered this drink out of a water bottle between classes, and that's how he met Avery.
This process includes up to 21 different documents that prove to a customer that they can produce quality parts at an agreed-upon production rate.
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
The plot of this dark TV show is good, but it never ends. The list goes on and on.
The Blacklist
He was voted vice president of this student organization at SIU.
American Society for Quality (ASQ)
Muhammad and Zafar go by these "Americanized" names in the workplace and when talking business.
Mazen and Zack
He ran this Twitter account that helped get the lunch menu added to the morning announcements. And the profile picture was taken down for copyright infringement.
Providence Polls
This metric, a combination of efficiency, uptime, and quality, provides an overview of a manufacturing operation's performance. 85% or greater is considered "world-class."
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
This Bill Wurtz video came before the history of the entire world, I guess.
History of Japan
Just wanted something to do after school instead of the on-site after school program in the 4th and 5th grades.
While an intern at this company, coworkers either murdered or got murdered. Now they prefer workplace accidents as a means to their end.
This teacher taught his class that "the Muslim God told the terrorists on 9/11 to fly the planes into the world trade center"
Bonnie and Clyde
This organization sets the standard for automotive quality management, however not all of the major automakers have joined nor follow the standard.
International Automotive Task Force (IATF)
The NFL has a rule that a Sunday 1:00 and 4:15 games must sell out to be broadcast in the local market. DirecTV offers this workaround:
NFL Sunday Ticket
"You speak a little Spanish, you should do it!" And so he did, serving as secretary of this student organization at SIU for a year.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Some coworkers at Jimmy John's created this music group, who released a themed mixtape on CD and SoundCloud.
The Gargantuans
At his senior tennis banquet, he received this award for having the model work ethic and attitude of a providence pioneer.
Blue Pride Award
When defects are sent to the customer, they will generally require a standardized response or explanation. Ford calls it this.
External Supplier Corrective Action Report (ESCAR)