What Day is it
Who was he???
What accent does he have (bonus points if you do the voice)
What language does she speak
What did he change his name to
Max power
What mascots does Coca Cola use
The ice bear and or Santa
When was his birthday
What was his alternate name
What was her origin story
Kidnapped by mom
What is his middle name
What was his occupation
Carpenter? I hardly Know her
Who is his main squeeze
How many pounds did she weigh at first
What does homer want instead of 3 kids and no money
No kids and 3 Money
How many times does Santa check his list
Who was present at his birth
Roy and other minor characters like Mary or whatever
What is his main feature
pp hair
What was the name given to her in the shelter
Who did home end up driving to sucide by accident
Frank Grimes (Grimy)
Who starred in the arguably greatest movie of Christmas time who was also known to improve his home
Tim Allen
What was his first miracle (I think it was his first anyway)
Where does his blood line come from, as in his parents
What is her rapper name
CHorbi or skibidi
What was homers dream job
Own a bowling alley