Which Prophet was swallowed by a great fish?
Prophet Jonah (Jonah 1:17)
Which New Testament book is addressed to Theophilus and provides a detailed account of the life and ministry of Jesus, as well as the early Church?
The book is "Luke" which is both a Gospel and the first part of a two-volume work that includes the "Acts of the Apostles"
Who was the first martyr Saint of the Christian Church?
Saint Stephen (Acts 7:54-60)
Which saint was a young French peasant girl who led her country to victory during the Hundred Years' War?
St. Joan of Arc was the young French peasant girl who led her country to victory during the Hundred Years' War.
Which apostle is traditionally considered the first bishop of Rome, establishing the foundation of papal authority?
St. Peter is traditionally considered the first bishop of Rome, establishing the foundation of papal authority.
What is the name of the day that commemorates Jesus washing the feet of His disciples during Lent?
The day commemorating Jesus washing the feet of His disciples is Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday).
Which two books of the Bible are named after women, other than Judith?
Ruth and Esther
Which OT prophet is known for his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?
Prophet Elijah
The thorns from the crown of thorns were removed from the crown and spread throughout the world Where can one venerate a thorn in the United States?
a. The Shrine of the Immaculate conception, Washington DC
b. St. Anthony's Chapel, Pittsburgh, PA
c. St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York, NY
d. Mission San Antonia de Padua, Jolon, CA
b. St. Anthony's Chapel, Pittsburgh, PA
What is the feast day of All Saints which honours all saints known and unknown?
Feast of All Saints celebrated on November 1
Who defined the dogma of the Assumption of Mother Mary in 1950?
Defined by Pope Pius XII in 1950
How many stations are included in the Stations of the Cross devotion often prayed during Lent?
There are 14 stations in the traditional Stations of the Cross, though a 15th (the Resurrection) is sometimes included.
Which Gospel includes the parable of the Lost Sheep and emphasizes God's love for sinners?
Gospel of Saint Luke
In the Old testament, which two books are often considered the historical account of the Israelites' conquest of Canaan and the establishment of their kingdom?
Joshua and Judges
After the fire, authorities temporarily moved Jesus' unharmed crown of thorns where for safekeeping?
a. The Louvre Museum
b. St. Peter's Basilica
c. Sainte-Chapelle
d. Chartres Cathedral
a. The Louvre Museum
Which Saint spent much time in confession and often delivered homilies against blasphemy and dancing?
a. St. Gregory
b. St. Augustine
c. St. John Vianney
d. St. Benedict
St. John Vianney
Which ecumenical council condemned Arianism and formulated the Nicene Creed?
The Council of Nicaea (325 AD) condemned Arianism and formulated the Nicene Creed.
Which Gospel/s is traditionally read on Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion?
What is the name of the liturgical season immediately following Lent?
On Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, the Gospel reading is from one of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, or Luke) and recounts Christ's Passion. The specific Gospel rotates depending on the liturgical year.
The liturgical season immediately following Lent is Eastertide.
What is the name of the mother of prophet Samuel?
Hannah (1 Samuel 1:20)
What is the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?
Mount Sinai is where Moses received the Ten Commandments.
What was the name of the emperor who legalized Christianity with the Edict of Milan?
The Emperor who legalized Christianity with the Edict of Milan was Constantine the Great in 313 AD.
Which saint, began as a lector, was forced to condemn Athanasius, exiled by the Roman Emperor, and boldly demanded by slapping the Nicene Creed down on the table and demanded it to be signed at the Council of Milan in 355 in opposition to Arianism?
St. Eusebius of Vercelli
Which council resolved the dispute over the use of "Filioque" in the Nicene Creed, a major issue in the East-West Schism?
The Council of Florence (1438–1445) attempted to resolve the dispute over the "Filioque" clause but did not prevent the schism.
On which day during Lent is the Chrism Mass traditionally celebrated in Catholic liturgy?
The Chrism Mass is traditionally celebrated on Holy Thursday, though in some places it may occur earlier in Holy Week.
Who was the king of Babylon who conquered Jerusalem and exiled the Israelites?
King Nebuchadnezzar II
In the NT letter is addressed to a wealthy Christian who deals with the topic of forgiveness and reconciliation regarding a runaway slave?
Which pope declared the dogma of papal infallibility?
a. Pope Pius IX
b. Pope Leo I
c. Pope John Paul II
d. Pope Gregory I
Pope Pius IX declared the dogma of papal infallibility at the First Vatican Council in 1870
Who is the patron saint of lost causes?
St. Jude Thaddeus is the patron saint of lost causes.
Which council was the first to condemn Pelagianism as a heresy?
a. council of toledo
b. council of vienna
c. council of carthage
d. council of nicaea
The Council of Carthage (418 AD) was the first to condemn Pelagianism as a heresy.
On which Sunday during Lent is Laetare Sunday celebrated, symbolizing a day of rejoicing?
Laetare Sunday is celebrated on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, symbolizing a day of rejoicing as Lent nears its conclusion.