To understand the Bible we need to _______ it ourselves
Although people wrote the words, God is the author and told those people exactly what to write
The Bible is the inspired word of God and tells us what we are suppose to do
Who is important to God?
God created us in his image so that we would display or reflect or communicate who he is, how great he is, and what he is like
Who inspired the words in the Bible?
As Christians, we believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. God has given us the bible so that we know how He wants us to live and how we are to treat others.
How many acolytes are there are a service?
Why didn't the teddy bear want dessert?
He was already stuffed
How do we communicate with God?
Through Prayer
Keeping in communication with God keeps your relationship with God going
What is written in the Bible is _______
Is it hard to believe that all the things in the bible are actually true? It is not just a story, although there are stories told in the bible to help the people back then and us understand what God wants from us and give to us. But, the overall message of the bible, God’s Word, is true
What is the holy trinity?
God is three in one. All three persons are equal and eternal.
God=God; Jesus=God with us; Holy Spirit=God in us
Which service do acolytes where robes?
Where did the music teacher leave her keys?
In the piano!
How does building relationships help your relationship with God?
Connecting with people around us in a meaningful way is a result of connecting with God.
People around you here can help you discover and live the truth.
Confirmation is about becoming a member of the church and the people at church are able to help you learn more about what God wants us to do.
We are saved by_______
God's Riches At Christs Expense
Christians don’t have to pretend to be perfect. We’ve been saved by grace. Salvation is not based on anything we do.
When did Jesus come into existence?
He has always existed as God, and the world was created through him. Jesus is fully God. John 1:1-2
What do acolytes do during communion?
Collect the cups
What is a bat's favorite sport?
What are ways you can give to the Church?
Our time, our talent, and our treasure
What are some ways you can serve the Church?
Who are crucial for growing God's kingdom?
Leaders in confirmation help you to build your relationship with God.
How are we saved?
Faith alone (GRACE)
there is nothing we can do to be saved
What time should you get to church when you are acolyting at 8am service?
What do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant?
Swimming trunks!
What is the Great Commission? (Matthew 28:19-20)
Jesus called all of his disciples to go and make disciples
Mentoring is disciple-making
Helping someone to discover God’s truth and inviting them to live it out in their everyday life.
What is possible with God?
ALL things
With God, all things are possible. So, we take big risks believing that God will come through for us
What is eternal life?
Life after death. We will be be God in Heaven.
Besides serving communion how else might an acolyte participate in the church service?
Bearing the cross, Bible or torch.
Why was the math book sad?
It had a lot of problems