This is the name of the yearly service project Breakway does in the spring
What is the Shalom Project?
This coffee shop is dark, has mediocre coffee, and subpar wifi, yet it's usually packed.
What is Sweet Eugene's
This org has meetings way too late at night but is very enthusiastic for the summer.
What is Impact?
This place has a lot of black pepper in their sauce but that's what makes it good
What is Lanye's
This person doesn't like Wall-e
Why Murissa?
This person is the founder of Breakaway
Who is Gregg Matte?
This coffee shop is popular since it has cool owners and it's close to campus
What is Carport Coffee?
These groups at Grace are overly enthusiastic for a Sunday morning and they'll tell you look great today.
What is dream team/ home team?
This 24 hr place is impossible to get through the drive-thru but has some great late-night tortillas.
This person thought Emperor's New Groove was creepy going up
Why Austin?
This is Breakaway's mission statement
This coffee shop is (arguably) Christian bubble HQ
What is The Brew?
These groups will come back with Birk tans, weird nicknames, and too many inside jokes.
What is literally any Christian camp counselor?
This place is the go to pizza place in downtown Bryan
What is RX Pizza?
This person's facebook is a collection of fine, curated church memes.
What is Murissa?
This is why you'll never see TA wear shorts
What is self-conscience about legs?
This coffee shop is expensive yet makes it up for church meetings and natural lighting
What is Lupa's
This org says frick too much, over-committed in Christian orgs, and thinks Chance is a Christian rapper
What is BYX Boyz?
I don't understand why people like this place but if church ever says it'll provide lunch this is the place. You can get a good baked potato or salad bar though.
This person cannot stand sparking water
Why Austin?
Ben Stuart sang this Drake song in his Single, Dating, Engaged, Married series
Hotline Bling
This coffee shop you'll often find Austin planning for Bible study or cramming for classes.
What is Harvest Coffee?
This org is always at Northgate but never at a bar
This Mediterranean restaurant is so underrated and is neighbor to Blue Baker
What is Shiraz?
Loves movies, but can't stand horror movies
Both of us