Virtue comes by identifying the middle ground between two extremes: the extremes of excess and deficiency. What does Aristotle call this?
The Golden Mean
What is the only thing human beings control, according to the Stoics?
our free will
Kant argues that without it, a person cannot become moral, since they demonstrate they do not value virtue, or are willing to trade virtue like a commodity.
A Good Will
Candidate A: "I propose we increase funding for education to improve literacy rates."
Candidate B: "You can't trust anything Candidate A says. He's been involved in multiple scandals and is known for dishonesty."
Ad Hominem
According to Aristotle, what is the teleological end or Final Cause of Justice?
Justice is fairness. Justice gives people what they deserve.
According to Aristotle, what are the two ways people practice virtue?
By Habit
By the Intellect
What is logos, and how do the Stoics describe what it does?
Logos is the divine/cosmic reason that governs and organizes the universe to the benefit of the whole.
What does it mean for reason to be a-priori?
it means pure reason, without any reference to experience.
Person A: "You really shouldn't smoke; it's bad for your health."
Person B: "But you smoke all the time, so why should I listen to you?"
Tu Quoque
What does it mean for Justice to be Honorific?
It means virtue and justice is held up and honored in society so that everyone can benefit and learn from it.
What is the Final Cause according to Aristotle?
the Final Cause gives the goal, or purpose of a thing.
Stoics are compatiblists. What two contradictory ideas do the Stoics hold as a paradox and compatible?
Free Will and Fate
What is true freedom for Kant?
True freedom is a person willing to submit themselves to the obligations and duties of moral law, free from their passions and vices.
Advertisement for a charity organization:
[Shows images of sad, malnourished dogs with heart-wrenching music playing in the background]
Narrator: "Every day, thousands of puppies around the world suffer from hunger and abuse. You can make a difference in their lives by donating just a small amount each month. Together, we can give these animals hope for a brighter future."
Sentimental Appeal
Name all four of the Greek Virtues that Aristotle says gives us a happy life.
According to Aristotle, what is a substantial nature vs an essential nature?
Substantial: the thing that you are
Essential: what you have potential to become
What is Apathy according to the Stoics?
Apathy is indifference to what we cannot control.
What is Phenomena and what is Noumena?
Phenomena: objects/events as we experience them
Noumena: objects/events as they exist in themselves
Person A: "We should all switch to this new diet plan. It's endorsed by a famous actor who claims it helped him lose weight."
Person B: "But what qualifications does the actor have in nutrition or healthcare?"
Person A: "Well, he's famous and has a lot of followers, so he must know what he's talking about."
Appeal to False Authority
Who are the three major voices within Stoic Philosophy?
Marcus Aurelius
What is Eudaimonia according to Aristotle?
our highest good. our highest happiness.
What is Stoic Sympathy?
Living in accordance with nature and what the cosmic reason of the universe has given to you, either good or bad.
What is Theoretical Reason vs Practical Reason?
Theoretical: Tells us what the universe is
Practical: Tells us how the universe ought to be
Jane meets two people from New York who are rude to her. Jane concludes, "People from New York are all rude."
Hasty Generalization
Using your own words, what are the two Categorical Imperatives of Deontology?
1. Principle of Universal Law
2. Principle of Respect Towards Others
- cannot use people as a means for our own ends.