Who was the early christian church established by, in other words who was their founder?
Answer: Jesus
Name 2 names for Christians spiritual leaders
Answer : priests, pope, bishop, pastors, ministers, elders
The main thing that all Christians believe about Jesus is that he is the Messiah.
Answer: True
What were catacombs used for?
Answer : burials and worships
What is excommunication?
Answer : permanent banishment from the church
Who were the followers of the way?
Answer: Christians, which began as a jewish sect
In what book did Jesus say “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end”
Answer: Revelations
Christianity has a dress code.
Answer: False
As Christians believe in the Holy Spirit, what is it composed of?
Answer : God the father, God the son, The holy spirit
What does pax vobiscum mean?
Answer: Peace be with you
What happened if you did NOT convert to Christianity once it was legalized?
Answer : Faced with social pressures and restrictions
What scripture promised that Jesus was the Messiah?
Answer: Genesis
Before churches, early Christians did not meet to worship.
Answer: False (They met at house churches)
What is the meaning of the cross?
Answer : suffering and death of Jesus, also representing his ressurection
What is the original meaning of the phrase “peace be with you”?
Answer: No matter the sin, God is forgiving
Why is the Roman emperor Constantine an important figure?
Answer : legalized Christianity and shaped it’s growth
What are the 2 types of churches or what are the 2 types of christians?
Answer : Western catholic and Eastern catholic or catholic and orthodox
The Orthodox Church does not use the term 'Excommunication' as it goes against their beliefs
Answer: False (They use this word)
What does the CHI RHO symbol mean in greek?
Answer : Christ
What are basilicas?
Answer : very large churches to worship in
What would happen if the early christians were captured?
Answer : faced persecution (cruel and unfair treatment)
As of today, what 3 things is Christianity composed of?
Answer : catholic church, eastern orthodox church, and the protestant denominations
The Catholic Church is composed of 21 rites
Answer: False (23 rites)
What is the name and meaning of this symbol?
Answer: ICHTHYS - “Jesus Christ, God’s son, savior”
What was the purpose of the crusades?
Answer : to stop the expansion of muslim states and to reclaim christianity