The second half of the bible is called
What is the New Testament
The holiday that celebrates Jesus's birth
What is Christmas
The Holy Trinity consists of
What is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
the place Christianity began
What is Judea
The capital of israel
What is Jerusalem
The 4 gospels
What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
The mascot of christmas
Who is Santa
Where Adam and Eve sinned
What is the garden of eden
The way Jesus attracted his followers
What is preaching and performing miracles
The birthplace of Jesus
What is bethlehem
The book which has 5 different books within it
What is the book of psalm
The other name for Marti Gras
What is Fat Tuesday
The devil disguised as
What is a snake
The place Mary and Joseph lived
What is Nazareth
The country within Italy
What is Vatican city
Jesus's close companions
Who were the 12 Apostles
The reason Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem
What is a Census
The belief in only one god
What is monotheism
What many christians call Mary
the virgin Mary
The person who lives in Vatican city and is the head of the Catholic church
Who is pope francis
the thing that the 4 gospels talk about
What is the life of Jesus
What is the start of the winter solstice on the Julian calender
The places you go after death
What is heaven or hell
The amendment that made it illegal to persecute someone for their religion
What is the first amendment
A town the old testament didn't mention
What is Nazareth