What province in Canada is the home of swiles, figgy duff and screech
What's Michael Jackson's real name?
Michael Jackson
What planet was once thought to be covered with oceans of oil?
What three categories are used in playing Twenty Questions?
Animal, vegetable, mineral
What colour is a white mouse's tail
What war ended on November 11, 1918
World War 1
How many strings does a ukulele have?
What country was the snowmobile invented in?
What two sports' competitors sometimes grow "cauliflower ears"?
Boxing and wrestling
What creatures are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs?
What U.S. river is Canda's Red River a tributary of?
The Mississippi
What part of your body shuld you wear a stetson on?
your head
What's the formula for the area of a rectangle?
Length times width
What's the term for a tennis serve that an opponent can't return?
Whats the natural sugar in fruit called?
What Canadian city is sometimes called The Honeymoon Capital of the World?
Niagara Falls
What kind of car do the Dukes of Hazzard drive?
A Dodge charger
What's the chemical symbot for oxygen?
How many marbles does each player have when two people are playing Chinese checkers?
What's the only bird in the world that can fly backward?
The hummingbird
Which of the five Great Lakes is entirely in the U.S?
Lake Michigan
What kind of horse has runners?
A rocking horse
Which planet has the largest moon in the solar system?
What sport do the most Canadians take part in?
Which continent has no owls/