How big is Vinalhaven?
23 square miles ( 7 miles by 11 miles)
This is the address of the house grandma grew up in.
87 Alta Avenue Yonkers, NY
This is grandma’s middle name
How many wives did Paluel Flagg have?
How many traffic lights are on Vinalhaven?
Name two of Vinalhaven’s biggest industries
Lobstering and granite
This person was a prisoner of war
Aunt Virginia
These Webster’s were held back in school
Peter and Paul
This great uncle was known for peeing out of the tower
Uncle Noel
Complete this sentence:
“Justice for ________”
How far off the coast is Vinalhaven?
12 miles
Paluel Flagg purchased Roberts Harbor Farm in this year
When grandma was set up on a blind date with grandpa, what did she do before meeting him and why?
Hide behind a pole to make sure he was handsome
What was Paluel Flagg’s profession?
Granite from Vinalhaven can be found in this NYC church
Church of Saint John the Divine (also in Brooklyn Bridge)
Known for his iconic image LOVE which was created in 1964
Robert Indiana
Name the original 12 Flagg siblings
Virginia, Dorothy, Noel, Tommy, Mary Anne, Franny, Peter, Paul, James, Jane, Al, Paluel
This is the age gap between Randy and Connie
18 years
How many grandchildren does Paluel have?
In September of 1947 a group from Hollywood arrived in Vinalhaven to film this movie.
Deep Waters
Who purchased Captain Alicia’s Farm back in the 1800’s?
Franz Herrmann
This family was friends with Paluel Flagg.
On Grandma and Grandpa’s tombstone is a 5 word saying, what is the saying?
God’s will is our peace
James Montgomery Flagg is best remembered for this political poster.
Uncle Sam I want you for US Army
Name 3 of the first anglo families of Vinalhaven
Arey, Calderwood, Carver, Coombs, Dyer, Ginn, Greem, Hopkins, Lane, Leadbetter, Norton, Philbrook, Pierce, Roberts, Smith, Warren, Vinal