Which Christmas carol has the line "Making spirits Bright?"
Jingle Bells
What did one Christmas Tree say to another?
Lighten Up!
What day is Christmas?
December 25th
What was Jesus's first Miracle?
Transforming approximately 120 gallons of water into wine.
What Christmas Movie has a kid named Kevin?
Home Alone (1 and 2)
On the Christmas carol "12 Days of Christmas," what does her true love give to her on the 4th day?
Four calling Birds
What did one ornament say to another?
Let's hang out!
What is Santa's real name?
What was the first Christmas Movie? What year was it made?
Santa Claus, in 1898
What was Buddy the Elf mainly searching for?
His Father
What is the most Popular Christmas Carol of all time?
Silent Night.
How much did Santa pay for his sleigh?
Nothing. It was on the house.
When was the first Christmas?
December 25, 336 AD
Who invented the Christmas Wreath? What year was it made?
A German Lutheran pastor named Johann Hinrich Wichern, in 1839.
Double Jeapordy
How many Grinch movies were there?
For the Christmas Carol "We wish you a merry Christmas," when was the carol's lyrics published, and by who?
In 1939 by Arthur Warrell.
Double Jeapordy
Why is it so cold at Christmas?
Because it is Decembrrrrr
Who invented Christmas Day?
What Christian group banned Christmas in Boston from 1659 to 1681?
The Puritants.
What Christmas Movie has a train in it? What train was it?
The Polar Express, the train was based off of Pere Marquette 122.
What Carol shares its name with a 1984 Micky Rooney film?
"It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"
Did you hear about Rudolph's roller coaster ride?
He was hanging on for deer life.
What is the real purpose for Christmas?
To celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
What was Christmas originally called?
"Mass on Christ's Day" or Yule
In Candy Cane Lane, how many children did they have? (Main children)