Who is Buddy's father in the North Pole?
Papa Elf
What is the capital of Japan?
What does NHL stand for?
national hockey league
You may see a police officer walking with this breed of dog by his side
German Shepard
What is the song in the beginning of the Lion King?
Circle of Life
What are the four main food groups for elves?
candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup
Very popular Japanese food. Raw fish and wasabi over a rice ball.
The original rubber hockey puck was this shape.
This characteristic of dogs help them feel in the dark.
Name all seven dwarfs
Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy
Who says "Bye, Buddy. I hope you find your dad."
Mr. Narwhale
What is the national sport of Japan?
This is the year when the NHL started
What is 1917
Dogs have sweat glands in this part of their body. Name the body part
The iconic Disneyland castle is based on the one animated for this film.
Sleeping Beauty
What does Buddy say is the best way to spread Christmas cheer?
"Singing loud for all to hear"?
People wear this on special occasions, like weddings, ceremonies, or festivals.
This is the number of games played in the regular season
You will find this dog on a farm herding sheep
Border Collie
It features more Elvis songs than any movie actually starring Elvis.
Lilo and Stitch
What forest does Buddy travel through to reach New York City?
The Candy Cane Forest
Everyone that visits Japan and every Japanese person wants to climb this.
Mount Fuji
This is what the referee does when a goal is scored.
point at the net
This part of the dog is sometimes called the "mood indicator"
Figaro and Cleo are the pets in what Disney film.