Christmas Bible 1
Christmas Bible 2
Christmas Bible 3
Christmas Bible 4
Christmas Bible 4

耶穌誕生之城 the city of Jesus' birth........
A. 伯利恆 Bethlehem
B. 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem

A. 伯利恆 Bethlehem


天使首先給牧羊人的命令 The command the angel first gave to the shepherds
A. 不要懼怕 Do not be afraid
B. 跟隨星 Follow the star

A. 不要懼怕 Do not be afraid


博士送給小耶穌的禮物數量 The number of gifts given to baby Jesus from the Wise Men

 3 禮物 3 Gifts 


這引導博士到耶穌那裡 This guided the wise men to Jesus

星  A Star 


耶穌出生在哪裡? Where was Jesus born? 

A) 客西馬尼 Gethsemane

B) 拿撒勒 Nazareth

C) 伯利恆 Bethlehem

D) 加利利 Galilee

C) 伯利恆 Bethlehem


以馬內利的意義 The meaning of Emmanuel
A. 長子 First born
B. 神與我們同在 God with us

B. 神與我們同在 God with us


預言救主將在伯利恆誕生的先知 The prophet who foretold that a Savior would be born in Bethlehem
A. 希律王 Herod
B. 彌迦 Micah

B. 彌迦 Micah


馬利亞騎著這個動物去伯利恆 The animal Mary rode on to get to Bethlehem


The Bible does not tell us that Mary rode on an animal to Bethlehem


嬰孩耶穌被這包起來 Jesus was wrapped in this
A. 布 Swaddling clothes
B.  毯子 Blanket

A. 布 Swaddling clothes


希律尋找小耶穌的原因 The reason that King Herod search for the baby Jesus 

A) 加冕耶穌為王 To crown Jesus as King

B) 殺死耶穌 To kill Jesus

C) 送耶穌禮物 To present Jesus with gifts 

D) 敬拜耶穌 To worship Jesus

B) 殺死耶穌 To kill Jesus


這是天使出現,告訴馬利亞她將懷孕 This was whom appeared to tell Mary that she would be with child
A. 加百列 Gabriel
B. 米迦勒 Michael

A. 加百列 Gabriel



Where was Jesus laid after he was born?

馬槽 Manger


想要殺死小耶穌的王 The king who was trying to kill Baby Jesus
A. 所羅門王 King Solomon
B. 希律王 King Herod

B. 希律王 King Herod


博士的名字The wise men's names

聖經沒有記載這個 The Bible did not say 


他們以黃金、乳香和沒藥為禮物獻給耶穌 They presented Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh

A) 天使 Angels

 B) 牧羊人 The shepherds 

C) 來自東方的博士 wise men from the east

D) King Herod

C) 來自東方的博士 wise men the east


他們是第一個聽說基督誕生的人 They were the first to hear of Christ's birth
A. 農夫 Farmers
B. 牧羊人 Shepherds

B. 牧羊人 Shepherds


講述耶穌誕生的兩本福音書 The 2 Gospels that narrate the birth of Jesus
A. 馬太和路加 Matthew and Luke
B. 馬可和約翰 Mark and John

A. 馬太和路加 Matthew and Luke


博士給耶穌的三件禮物 The 3 gifts that the Wise Men gave Jesus

黃金、乳香和沒藥 Gold, frankincense and myrrh


當博士終於到來時,耶穌大約幾歲 Jesus was about this age when the Wise Men finally arrived
A. 5
B. 2

B. 2


耶穌出生前約瑟和馬利亞居住的城市 The city where Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus

A) 迦拿 Cana 

B)  迦百農 Capernaum 

C) 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem

D) 拿撒勒 Nazareth

D) 拿撒勒 Nazareth


這位先知預言一個童女將生一個兒子,名叫以馬內利。The prophet that foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Emmanuel.
A. 以實瑪利 Ishmael
B. 以賽亞 Isaiah

B. 以賽亞 Isaiah


叫天下人民都報名上冊的人 The man who issued the decree that all the world should be taxed
A. 凱撒奧古斯都 Caesar Augustus
B. 朱利葉斯凱撒 Julius Caesar

A. 凱撒奧古斯都 Caesar Augustus


約瑟的職業 Joseph's occupation

木匠 Carpenter


這位通知馬利亞她要生一個兒子 Who informed Mary that she was going to give birth to a son? 

A) 馬利亞的親戚伊利沙伯 Mary's cousin Elizabeth

B) 天使加百列 Angel Gabriel

C) 天使米迦勒 Angel Michael 

D) Joseph

B) 天使加百列 Angel Gabriel


約瑟和馬利亞在耶穌出生後離開伯利恆的原因 The reason Joseph and Mary left Bethlehem after Jesus was born

A) 他們回到了他們居住的拿撒勒 They returned to Nazareth, where they lived. 

B) 因為在伯利恆的客店裡沒有地方。 There was no room for them in Bethlehem.

C) 天使在夢中告訴約瑟去埃及  An angel told Joseph in a dream to go to Egypt.

D) 他們去東方與博士同住 They went to live with the wise men in the east.

C) 天使在夢中告訴約瑟去埃及 An angel told Joseph in a dream to go to Egypt.
