What do you call the rock wearing crocs?
dwayne the croc johnson
this type of flower faces and follows the sun in the summer but not in the autumn
Human's do this when we are cold to increase blood flow to the brain
bad day wake loose
good night sleep tight
what did the bee tell the other bee when it got to up close to its face?
why are you all up in my buzzness?
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
to get to the bottom
scientists have found that this palette cleansing fruit can make you gassy
this mythical flying creature known as a Wyvern is commonly seen in videogames and other fantasy media.
mammal in (of) land
fish out of water
little pansies share their name with the name of a small violin
What do santa's little helpers learn at school?
the mummichog is the first ever of its species to go to space
Our lips get dry in the winter as the body finds all the water it can to warm the body. This is the percentage of water that the human body is made up of.
Altair is the __ brightest star in the night sky
this shape forms a great group of stars which link Andromeda to Pegasus
What’s as light as a feather but becomes more difficult to keep the longer you hold it?
a fart
Men invented this game so they could hold hands and stare into each others eyes
arm wrestling
hark howl the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say, throw _____ away
loud day sacrilegious day
silent night holy night
what did the rainbow say to the diamond about the sun reflecting on it?
it seems to have taken a shine to you
Why was the snowman rummaging through the bag of carrots?
he was picking his nose
What is it called when a king keeps criticising people in a humorous tone.
A series of islands that feature various geographic features and seasonal differences
can be answered
can't be asked
what did the meteor tell their meteor friend while they were at a restaurant?
This food is gastronomic!