How the Grinch Stole Christmas
what is the name of this Reindeer
Rudolph the red nose reindeer
I come with many colors, so beautiful and bright, I turn so many houses into a beautiful sight. What am I?
Christmas Lights
Santa Gives toys to every little kid around the world?
False there is a naughty list.
What play is this?
A Christmas Carol
Frosty the Snowman
How many Reindeer does Santa have?
What does the snowman eat for a snack?
A Snowcone
Everyone, when they were little kids, slept downstairs during Christmas to catch Santa?
What play is this?
White Christmas!
Home Alone
Does Rudolph Really lead Santas Slay?
No Dasher does
What would an apple and a Christmas tree get if they had a baby?
A pineapple
Does everyone have a green Christmas tree?
What Play is this?
A Christmas Story!
Elf The Movie
Are the raindeers in rows of 2 or 1 by 1?
in rows of 2
If a lion had a Christmas music album, what would it be called?
Jungle Bells
Does everyone put out cookies and milk for Santa?
What play is this?
The Nutcracker!
Jack Frost
Who can name all of the reindeer?
If the end of the year is on December 31st, then what is the end of Christmas?
The Letter "S"
Santa has thousands of helpers that make the toys.
True! he has hundreds of thousands of helpers to make all the toys for the little kids.
What play is this?
The Grinch who stole Christmas!