December 25
Who is Santa Claus originally based on?
The Christian bishop St. Nicholas
Where was baby Jesus born?
In Bethlehem
Why does a star go on top of a Christmas tree?
To symbolize the Star of Bethlehem
When is Boxing Day in the UK?
December 26
In Home Alone, where was Kevin's family trying to travel to?
Who saw baby Jesus first?
A. The Shepherds
B. The Wisemen
The Shepherds
What words follow "Silent Night" in the song?
"Holy night"
In which country do students get 6 weeks off for the winter holidays?
A. United Kingdom
B. United States
C. Australia
How many ghosts are in a Christmas Carol?
1) Marley - 2) Ghost of Christmas Past 3) - Ghost of Christmas Present 4) - Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come)
The Wisemen followed the sun to help them find baby Jesus. (T/F)
In Home Alone 2, where was Kevin's family trying to travel to?
In what country do families have KFC and cake for Christmas dinner?
What is the first name of Scrooge?
A. Another family
B. Animals
C. Dead people
B. Animals
In what modern-day country was St. Nicholas born?
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
What is "Feliz Navidad"?
"Merry Christmas" in Spanish.
What gift(s) did the Wisemen bring baby Jesus?
Gold, frankincense, and myhrr.
What is the #1 Christmas movie in the United States?
A Christmas Story