A hot drink
Hot chocolate, punch, mulled wine, tea...
What does Santa bring to good children?
What is a large, green Christmas decoration?
Christmas tree
The Grinch
What is the song about bells called?
Jingle Bells
This roasted bird is commonly served for Christmas dinner in many countries.
What are traditional Christmas colors?
Red and Green
What do you put on top of the Christmas tree?
a star
What is the name of the boy left behind in "Home Alone"?
Who sings "All I Want for Christmas"
Mariah Carey
What is baked in the oven and then commonly given to Santa?
a sleigh
What do you hang up for Christmas, expecting it to be filled?
A stocking
To which state does the family go in "Home Alone 2"?
What is the rest of this lyric "Santa Claus is..."?
coming to town
What is a red and white sweet candy?
Candy Cane
What type of mini houses do we make at Christmas?
Gingerbread House
In which U.S. city did the tradition of the Christmas tree lighting ceremony at a public location begin?
New York City
By which band is the song "Last Christmas"?
What is an American Christmas drink containing alcohol?
Egg Nog
This is what naughty kids get in their stocking
What is another name for Santa (Claus)?
Saint Nick
What did Dumbledore give Harry Potter for Christmas in his 1st year at Hogwarts?
"the Cloak of invisibility" (accept "Invisibility Cloak")