See 100q
What is the name of the ferry service in Isla?
This person can do or fix anything.. just don't expect it done this century!
Who is Dakota
After 16 too many what language does Jackie start speaking?
What is "Yakinese"
“Excuse me for having frun”
David Thompson
See 200q
Who is ”Alleycat”??
Who is Alex and Cat
This person planted ducks on the Thompson property
“Just one more” and different variations thereof is said at every social gathering by whom?
Who is Brenda Thompson
See 300Q
Brick House/Labor Temple
The Island is considered sacred to what Mayan Goddess?
Who is Ixchel
This is the cost of the average home in 1985
What is $84,000
This is the cost of the average home in 2023
The phrase “running errands“ is used by whom when in fact they’re just thrifting.
Dorie Schwellenbach
What is the largest reef is a common snorkeling hot spot on Isla?
What is the Manchonese Reef
Who suffers from "Omphalophobia"
Who is Kelsey Thompson
This person recently came into a ton of free time... need any projects worked on?
Who is Brian
"Uh oh"
Who is Maxine Thompson
See 500q
Whiskey Dicks
What is the name of the pirate buried on Isla under a skull and cross bones tombstone?
Who is Fermin Mundaca
The artist "Quobalt" is also known by which member of the group?
Who is Tanner Lee
Who for the last 15 Christmas' expresses this may be their last Christmas?
Who is Tom
Could be anyone here but this person frequently says "I'm never drinking again!"
Who is Joshua