Villains by Catchphrase
Contestant Astrology
The Best Christmas Movie Ever Made (Elf)
13 Letter Words
All About Addy

"Well, I say we kill the Beast!" 

Who is Gaston?


People of this star sign, also known as the bull, are known for being loyal. Honorable members of this sign include: Kyle Hirschfelder.

What is a Taurus?


Buddy's real dad worked in this famous New York building. 

What is the Empire State Building?


You can find hordes of these women roaming around cities like Nashville, Tennessee, clad in matching outfits and usually very drunk! 

What are bachelorettes? 


This is the name of Addy's beloved first-born cat. 

What is Otis?


"My school is a model of discipline! Use the rod, beat the child, that's my motto."

Who is Agatha Trunchbull?


People of this star sign, also known as the twins, are considered the social butterflies of the zodiac. Honorable members of this sign: Lisa, Tony, and Jacqueline.

What is a Gemini?


This animal came out from the water to say "Bye Buddy, hope you find your dad!" before Buddy left the North Pole. 

What is a narwhal?


Totes, adorbs, and ridic are all examples of these. 

What are abbreviations?


Addy met her smoking hot boyfriend on this popular dating app. 

What is Hinge?


"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.”

Who is Darth Maul?


People of this star sign, also known as the ram, are known to be HARD HEADED. Honorable (?) members of this sign: Dexter Orrell. 

What is an Aries?


This quirky actress plays Jovie, Buddy's love interest. 

Who is Zooey Deschanel?


Ssshhh.... these people are listening to your conversation through the grapevine. 

What are eavesdroppers?


This city in Virginia, where Addy was born, is home to an active Naval Shipyard. 

What is Portsmouth?


"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

Who is The Joker? (Jack Nicholson)


People of this sign, also known as the fish, are known for being imaginative, creative, and sensitive. Honorable members include: Mandi Brown. 

What is a Pisces?


This is how Buddy answers the phone at his father's office.

What is Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?


This show about a talented high school girl's soccer team whose plane crashes in the wilderness was feverishly binge-watched by your host in 2021.

What is Yellowjackets?


Addy graduated from the College of Charleston in 2017 with a degree in this major from the college of the arts. (Bonus points if you can name her minor)

What is Arts Management and a minor in Theatre?


"There is no good and evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it."

Who is Lord Voldemort?


People of this sign, also known as the scales, are very well-mannered, loving, and sophisticated. They also tend to have very attractive physical features. Honorable members of this sign: Addison Brown and Darren Orrell

What is a Libra?


These are any two of the five ingredients Buddy puts in his spaghetti. 

What are maple syrup, chocolate syrup, M&Ms, marshmallows, and a chocolate fudge Pop-Tart. 


In physics, this word is used to describe a minute entity of matter, approximately one billionth of a meter in size.

What is a nanoparticle?


In 2007, after having no religious background whatsoever, Addy started going to youth group because all the popular kids did. Though her affair with Jesus was short-lived, she did end up becoming confirmed and baptized at her church as a member of this subsection of Christianity. 

What is a Methodist? 
