I take it moist
What's the funniest family inside joke?
I need 220
What is one of your parent's favorite holiday tradition?
What have you enjoyed this holiday season?
Dad says, "Time with my family."
I can last up to sixty minutes
What's your favorite memory of our family vacations?
I spin "Like a record, baby, right round, round, round"
What is one thing you're really passionate about?
Is there anything you would like to do different next year?
Dad says, "More time with my kids!"
I get hot
Tell us about a time you were really proud of yourself.
My Partner Cleans.
What do you miss about our "old hood"?
What is a present you enjoy getting every year?
Dad says, "Corn Flake Treats."
You have to bend over when you use me
What's the best piece of advice your parents ever gave you?
I blow outside
If you could learn any new skill, what would it be?
What Christmas tradition do you like best?
Dad says, "Waking up with my whole family under one roof."
Sometimes I cause shrinkage
What's the most unique gift you've ever received?
I am Pretty Flowers real name without the "d"
What is your favorite thing about living in your town?
Tell us something that you are looking forward to this next year.
Dad says, "Spending Tuesdays with Randen, seeing Alaina in the summer, and waking up with Amanda and the boys everyday."