The name of this green grouch's only 'reindeer' as he attempted to steal Christmas.
Who is Max?
This 1990 Fox Production is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time with a cameo from our favorite President in the sequel.
What is "Home Alone"?
This food and drink is known as Mr. Claus' favorite delicacy after delivering presents.
What are milk and cookies?
This is known as the most common Christmas tree topper after a star.
What is an angel?
This man is the earthly father of Jesus and was Mary's fiance at the time of Jesus' birth.
Who is Joseph?
This reindeer is listed as the fifth reindeer in the opening lyrics of the classic "Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer".
Who is Comet?
This elf was looking for his father in the 2003 movie "Elf".
Who is Buddy the Elf?
This is not only the most popular Christmas candy but it is also seen decorated on Christmas trees.
What is the candy cane?
This tree, known for never withering throughout the winter season, is also known for being THE Christmas tree for the holidays.
What is an evergreen?
What does Immanuel mean?
What is "God with us"?
This 1965 CBS Movie holds its star in the name of the movie and is still being aired on holidays to this day.
Who is Charlie Brown?
This company is responsible for modernizing our favorite non-biblical saint through their advertising in the 1930s.
What is Coca-Cola?
Listed as an Americanism invented in the 1700s, this traditional drink can be served with or without alcohol.
What is eggnog?
This sometimes poisonous plant was also seen as a symbol of virility in most English-speaking countries
What is mistletoe?
These three substances were brought before Jesus as gifts from the Three Wise Men.
What is gold, frankincense, and myrrh?
The name of Rudolph's girlfriend in the 1998 classic "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".
Who is Clarice?
This song is the most covered Christmas song to date.
What is "Silent Night"?
Usually picked the autumn prior, these "marrons glace" are found a delicacy when roasted by an open fire.
What are chestnuts?
This organization is responsible for tracking Santa Claus for the last 60 years on Christmas Eve.
What is NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command)?
This King was trying to kill Jesus upon learning of His birth.
Who is King Herod?
This iconic Christmas character name is the alias for Dane McGowan, one of the main characters from the 1990s DC Comic series "The Invisibles".
Who is Jack Frost?
Making over 140 million worldwide, this 1988 film took place on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
What is "Die Hard"?
This dish is surprisingly the most popular Christmas dish served in New York.
What is Dim Sum?
For those lucky enough to share their birthday with Immanuel, King of Jews, they also share this star sign with Him.
What is Capricorn?
Who was the angel who appeared before Elizabeth, Mary's sister, to tell her she is pregnant?
Who is Gabriel the Angel?