Grammar & Vocabulary
Canadian Culture
/l/ and /r/ are pronounced differently. The big difference is because of where the _____________ is placed.
What is, "tongue". NOTE: "for /l/ the tip of the tongue is forward and touching the alveolar ridge (behind the teeth), and for the /r/ the tongue is pulled back and does not touch the roof of the mouth at all".
Complete the following sentence: "I've been attending this ESL class ___________ 2 months."
What is, "for".
Your wife loves gifts. You bought her a beautiful dress for Christmas, but when she opens the package, she looks upset. Apparently, you bought her a dress that is 2 sizes TOO BIG!!! It's an awkward situation! You better be careful what you say. In fact, you might be walking ________________ around her for the rest of the day!
What is "... on eggshells".
A more diplomatic way to say "You messed up!"
What is "You made a mistake/error."
List 4 of the most common dishes found in a traditional Canadian Christmas dinner.
CHOOSE 4 OF THE FOLLOWING: What is, "turkey"; "stuffing"; "gravy"; "mashed potatoes"; "cranberry sauce"; "carrots & turnips"
Three of the following words rhyme. One does not. Identify the word that does not rhyme: SHOULD WOOD FOOD HOOD
What is "food".
One word is incorrect in the following phrase: "Better safer than sorry." Find it and correct it.
What is "safer" should be "safe"
Your husband always accidentally tells you what he's gotten you for Christmas. You could say that keeping a secret is not ____________________.
What is "... his strong suit."
A more appropriate way to say "fat".
What is "overweight" or "heavy".
A very popular drink enjoyed by Canadians at Christmas is ________________. It is only sold during the Christmas season.
What is "eggnog".
Below are various items that may be eaten at breakfast on Christmas morning. 3 of the items share the same stressed vowel sound. One of the items has a different stressed vowel sound. Identify the word with the different vowel sound: YOGURT WAFFLES HOT CHOCOLATE COFFEE
What is "YOGURT".
There is one word that is incorrect in the following phrase: "Be careful what you wished for!" Find it and correct it.
What is "WISHED" should be "WISH".
You've been invited to a friend's home for a Christmas party. It starts at 6:00, but you are delayed and arrive at 7:30. You apologize to your friend for being late. Your friend is just happy to see you, and says with a smile, "__________________."
What is "Better late than never!"
You'd thought of the perfect Christmas gift for your partner - tickets to the musical, Les Miserables. However, when you went online to order them, you discovered they were all sold out. It looks like you have to start planning all over again and think of another "perfect gift". It looks like "you're back ________________".
What is "... to square one".
List 3 things that people put in (or on) their houses during the Christmas season.
What is, "Christmas tree"; "presents"; "stockings"; "Christmas lights"; "wreaths"; "candles"; "Christmas decorations"
How many of the following words have the "AY" sound? SKATE ANGELS PARADE SLEIGH PLAY CAFFEINE
What is "5" - skate; angels; parade; sleigh; play
When you arrive home tonight, which is the correct statement to share with your family? a. "I had a great time at class tonight." b. "I've had a great time at class tonight."
What is "a. I had a great time at class tonight."
Bill asked for 2 days off between Christmas and New Year's Day. His boss, however, completely ignored his request. In fact, he didn't give him ____________________."
What is "... the time of day".
Some people are very careful with how they use their money. They may not spend much money on others at Christmas. Their friends might say they are "cheap". However, a diplomatic way to say this is, "They're very __________ with their money."
What is "frugal".
Over the Christmas season, Canada Post has 9,000 volunteers completing this task. The task is ___________.
What is, "responding to letters that children have sent to Santa". NOTE: For over 32 years, Canada Post employees and retirees have helped Santa answer over 21.8 million letters. Over 9,000 postal elves are dispatched to help Santa answer the thousands of letters he receives every day. Santa’s postal elves will spend over 226,000 hours to help Santa answer more than 1 million letters in 30 different languages. To protect Santa’s mail, only current and retired Canada Post employees can be postal elves.
There is often an "invisible y" that connects words in a sentence. Identify the location(s) of the the "invisible y" in the following sentence: "Whenever I see a Christmas tree all decorated, I always remember how wonderful it is to be a child at Christmas!"
What is "Whenever I see-y-a Christmas tree-y-all decorated, I-y-always remember how wonderful it is to be-y-a child at Christmas!"
Change the CAPITALIZED words into formal/semi-formal language. "I am writing to ASK about your interest in attending our company's Christmas party. Please LET US KNOW if you wish to attend. We CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR from you."
What is "I am writing to INQUIRE about your interest in attending our company's Christmas party. Please CONFIRM if you wish to attend. We LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING from you."
The elves work non-stop before Christmas Day. In fact, they work ____________________ to make sure all the presents are ready for Santa on Christmas Eve!
What is "around the clock".
Your employee asks you for a raise just before Christmas. You tell them it won't be possible. You explain that you give yearly raises to employees who demonstrate a high level of performance and motivation. However, you have noticed this employee works slowly, takes extended breaks, complains whenever she is given a new task, and makes excuses when she has not completed her regular tasks. You explain this to her, saying she seems somewhat unmotivated. A less diplomatic way of saying "unmotivated" is "___________|.
What is "lazy".
The famous ballet that is performed across Canada as an annual Christmas tradition is called ______________.
What is, "The Nutcracker ballet".